Interview: Radio Fantasy

Radio Fantasy im Interview

Radio Fantasy im Interview

Im April hatten wir euch die Indie-Pop Band bzw. das Duo um Radio Fantasy vorgestellt. Es erwarten euch schmissige Gitarren, nice Rhythmen. All das vereint das Duo und sie machen das mit einem Selbstverständnis, das mich beeindruckt. Warum habe ich die Boys nicht schon früher entdeckt? Warum zur Hölle erst jetzt? Und warum machen die gerade nichts Neues? Der Letzte Facebookpost ist aus dem März und auf Instagram aus dem April. Heißt: Wir müssen reden. Ich habe den Boys einige Fragen zum Thema Social Media, über das Weltall und weiteren Kram gestellt. Das Interview lest ihr jetzt hier.

Could you please shortly introduce yourself? Who is Radio Fantasy?

Radio Fantasy: Radio Fantasy is me and Will making music together. We’re both astro-musicians that departed Earth in 2017 for the cosmos and are now finally returning.

Until now you’ve released 5 tracks on Spotify. What’s your for the rest of the year?

Radio Fantasy: We lost contact with Earth for a few seconds, which in Earth time was unfortunately a year or two. People were worried about us because we stopped releasing music, but really we were only off the grid for a flash. We had entered a black hole that bent the space-time continuum and destroyed some of the hollow tapes we released, along with cutting off contact with our control tower. Now that we’re back, we’ll be releasing a full-length album of some classics and some new songs.

If you have to compare your sound to other bands like MGMT (the older songs), how would you describe your sound by yourself?

Radio Fantasy: We like to think of our genre as „psychedelic space pop.“ We’re very influenced by sounds we record in outerspace, as well as artists like STRFKR, Phoenix, Neon Indian, and M83. We each bring our own sound to the table to make something new, a combination of our influences. Our songs are also very reflective of our mindset from the time we wrote them.

What claim do you pursue when you’re writing new songs? Which basic mood must always prevail your songs?

Radio Fantasy: We started Radio Fantasy as an escape from our demanding solo projects. Writing in Radio Fantasy is always fun and freeing, and we like to think that organicism and purity is reflected in the music. The songs themselves always have double meanings – there’s the surface layer of a story, but something deeper and more personal behind it.

I am quite surprised what lush sound you are producing pairs. How did that get much easier with the use of synthesizers?

Radio Fantasy: We use software synthesizers to make big 80s-inspired sounds, and we also do a lot of interstellar sampling (star sounds, beeps and blops from our own spaceship machinery). We’re each adept at finding certain types of synth sounds, and we just mash those together to make the song!

You are not very active on your social media channels. Is not there the danger of being “forgotten”?

Radio Fantasy: Traveling the cosmos while making music comes at a cost: it’s hard work, and sometimes your data gets lost in the spacetime contiuum. We actually love social media, we were just offline for a couple of minutes this evening. We put out „Running Down the Line,“ Will stepped out of the room to get a cup of tea, and that’s when everything shut down. By the time he walked back in it was fixed, but I guess the shutdown lasted a few years back on Earth. We’re not really in danger of being „forgotten“; social media only represents a filtered moment in time, but music is true and lasts forever.

How do you deal with social media in general?

Radio Fantasy: We don’t!


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