Interview: Okaywill

Okaywill im Interview – „I’m big on imagery.“

Okaywill im Interview

Okaywill im Interview

Wir haben dem Musiker Okaywill zum Release seiner ersten EP ein paar Fragen gestellt.

Okaywill hat am 28. Juni seine erste EP „Falling For You“ rausgebracht. Seine Sounds sind allesamt so super wohlfühlig und es gibt derzeit keinen Künstler, von dessen Songs ich so schnell gute Laune bekomme. Das hört sich immer etwas doof an, es stimmt wirklich. Seine Produktionen und das Songwriting lassen mein Herz höher schlagen.

Your songs are actually more thoughtful. But you pack them in a good mood cover. Good tactic! Is it easier to express heavy thoughts with fluffy melodies?

Okaywill: I do believe its easier to express heavy thoughts in fluffy melodies. It is a technique that makes you want to listen to the story, but, you can also just listen to the music and enjoy instead of just honing in on what Im saying.

You are described as an artist who is on self-discovery. Which element is the most important for you looking for yourself?

Okaywill: Moving forward, I want to make the project have familiar sounds, but with a new twist. I think life experiences is the main element. Sometimes I have to take a break from writing for a while and go live life. I’ve written some awesome songs when I come back from it. It is a inspiration.

Which mistake should one never commit to this?

Okaywill: One mistake I still struggle with sometimes, is letting it get in your head. Like, I’m worried that the song doesn’t sound good enough or the writing is bad. But you have to just do what you want to do an not let it get in your head.

With „Falling For You“ is now your EP. Which first fragrance brand would you like to use?

Okaywill: I’d like to say a huge thank you to the label, team, creators, and influencers. This EP wouldn’t have been possible without everyone coming together to make something so nostalgic for me. It brought me back to a younger state mentally, and it translated through the music shaping what is to come. This is the beginning.

Okaywill im Interview

Okaywill im Interview

What expectations did you have of yourself in this release?

Okaywill: Seeing it through was my biggest expectation because I definitely had to release this. I’ve wanted to put out a small project for a while now and it came out better than I was hoping for. I’m big on imagery. When I write songs, I listen and think of a place that you would be hearing the song. Standing in a valley, sitting in the snow. The art designer Anthony Zinonos made the Ep come to life with the amazing art for it! I was very happy about that!

Your songs are all so sensitive and delicate. How do you go about producing?

Okaywill: I think when it comes to my own writing of a song, I tend to have a ‘minimalist’ aspect to it because I love making beautiful music with happy chords, or something thats uplifting in a ironic way. I’m a bit quirky, so that shines through on the writing. Overall I just want to make a song I feel like making.


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