Interview: MATTIS

MATTIS im Interview – „Everybody wants to do other people good.“

MATTIS im Interview

MATTIS im Interview

Wir haben dem Dänen MATTIS einige Fragen zu seiner neuen Single „To The Rhythm“ gestellt.

Kürzlich erschien die neue Single „To The Rhythm“ von MATTIS. Der Track stellt für den Dänen einen Startschuss dar, der ihn auch hierzulande noch weiter nach vorne katapultieren könnte. Zeit also um ihm ein paar wichtige Fragen zu seiner Musik und der Message dahinter zu stellen.

How does „To The Rhythm“ kick-start you as a musician and what’s going to happen after that?

MATTIS: To The Rhythm is the beginning of a new era for me as an artist – I just signed to new label and a got a whole new team behind me which some of the best people I’ve ever known and To The Rhythm is the first release in that setup and it is also the first single leading up to an album in 2020! Yea! Personally To The Rhythm is also the song that really defined this new 2.0 version of me and it really feels great to go back to my roots as a guitarplayer and have songs that I can jam and headbang to on my beloved Gibson guitar.

In your song, it’s about not being dictated by others about what you expect. But to admit no expectations is easier said than done. How do you deal with it personally?

MATTIS: In many ways I used to think a lot about what other people thought of me. Everything from the way I dressed, spoke to the way I walked and I just recently got rid of all that for good. What let to it was years of soul-searching and a Ayahuasca journey last summer, which was pretty intense and teached me a lot of lessons about myself. But other than that I also think that it is a big part of growing up, the older you get the less fucks you give and the more you dare to be honest with yourself and others because you know that you got nothing to lose being it.

Does that also have something to do with the fact that we want to make it to our fellow human beings and often as much as possible?

MATTIS: Yea everybody wants to do other people good and have them think nice things of you. But the problem with being a “nice guy” can also a lot times lead you to not being honest and just say what you think the other person wants to hear instead of saying your opinion. Especially if you have a problem and that’s the worst thing you can do because not saying what you feel like always leads to trouble in the end.

MATTIS im Interview

MATTIS im Interview

How did you process this topic in your video about the song? What can I take as a listener from your song?

MATTIS: The music video idea was to have me just “doing my thing” and rocking out the way wanted to to the song. No choreography or anything, just the way I would normally do it when I am on the stage and then we thought that having a lot of peoples impression to hearing the songs the first would be a nice add-on to the video. Having them also doing whatever they wanted to the song showing their individualisme.
The thing I hope listeners take from the song is to remember to be true to themselves, whatever they want, whatever they feel like. Nothing is the right or the wrong way it is whatever you think it is. If you do that: being honest and true to yourself and others also when it’s tough and not all positive(!) – then people are gonna respect you for it and love you even more. Honesty is always a win-win.

I thought to your song: Finally a song that really takes on an interesting topic and not a love song. What other way will you take with your music in the future?

MATTIS: I have had a lot of insights the last year and realized how much sorrow, bad selfworth and other crap I have been dragging along with me. That whole experience has ended out in a lot of songs and I feel like the creative spark on that topic hasn’t run dry yet so there is gonna be even more coming up!


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