The Rumour Said Fire
The Rumour Said Fire Interview – „Everyone was behind us.“
Die vier Dänen von The Rumour Said Fire waren definitiv einer der Headliner beim Spot Festival. Nach ihrer längeren Pause sprechen sie mit mir über ihren Break und ihr neues Album.
Es war schon seltsam muss ich zugeben. Der Hit „The Balcony“ ging an mir zwar relativ spurlos vorbei, aber als wir da live in der Menge standen und die Dänen ihre Songs performten gab es einen ganz eindeutigen Cut. Und zwar vor und nach dem Hit. Denn die Leute taten sich schwer mit den neuen Songs ihres neuen Albums „Crush“. Für mich ist das Album deutlich offener gestaltet und eine Weiterentwicklung. Für viele früheren Fans wird es allerdings hart werden. Im Interview sprechen wir über ihre Zeit im Studio, ihren neuen Sound und warum genau das Album eine regelrechte Revolution für sie ist.
To take a time out, breath in and breath out in our performance society is not that easy. How hard was it to explain that you are taking a time out and in which way you were surprised of the approval which you got from your friends?
Kasper: Of course we had some time off, but personally for me this never felt like a definite break or something like that. It was not like that we said: Now we are gonna stop making music for a couple of years. It was more like a fluid motion and down the way we got this feeling that we had to slow back a bit. It wasn’t difficult to explain this to anyone because as I said it was like a fluid motion. It just occurred quite naturally. And everyone was behind us in supporting us in our decisions say: just do what you need to do.
Søren: Yeah, but for some people it’s easier to understand than for others that making an album can take a really long time. Some people think that you just walk into a studio and then two days later the album is there. So when you explain to some people that we are in a phase in which we are mixing just right now or dubbing some guitars than you can really sense that they don’t really get it what that process means. But it’s nothing wrong with that. It’s just the same when a mathematician tries to tell me something. You can’t blame people for not knowing what it’s like to make an album. So it’s different from people to people.
In which way you think you are very privileged to be in that position to decide to take a break?
Søren: I think that we are very privileged to know for us that it’s possible not to release an album in four and a half years. As you said especially in the times we are living right now. But I guess our music is not that time specific. It was very necessary for us to take this creative break. You know some of us are studying and are doing this serious for a while (laughing). We had to go out to the dessert and stare in each others eyes and ask ourselves: What to do next? What should we do on another album? Yeah and then we made “Crush” and it felt just natural. So you know the people were just studying and working and not just relaxing (laughing). And I was writing songs all the time. There was no real break for me. We had to figure out what’s The Rumour Said Fire.
Let’s talk about your new album “Crush”. After four years of abstinence, how difficult is it to get to the heart of each song and in the end of the whole album?
Jesper: Actually as we started tracking “Crush” that was like two years ago it’s been a long long process. The songs on the other albums were very done as we went into the studio. This time we feel like go right into the darkness somehow with these songs. They were not done. We just went to Malmö into the Tambourine Studios, a very very nice place and we just started recording our songs like a band in a rehearsal room. And then you know it’s a feeling and it’s hard to explain. You just go in there and you feel it and do it. And then it feels wrong or it feels right. And it felt really right and like a new beginning for us. Like as we started out originally.
Are you excited that you will gain a new audience with your new songs, because they are very different.
Jesper: I think in so many ways the sound we have on this album is something that we gonna stick to. We really feel like that this is our sound. Maybe it took a while to get there, but now we are ready. And we will record again soon, there would not be another 4 years to wait until new stuff will come. And you don’t know how the people will react to your sound. You should just try to make this feels right for yourself. And it’s a new beginning for us.
Do you remember your first thoughts as you all have arrived in the studio in Malmö to record the new album?
Kasper: Yeah it’s always like a small adventure beginning when you’ve packed your stuff. There is a spirit that we are really going to do this now. At that time it’s been some years that we last went to the studio that way. So I think we were absolutely excited about it and just being in that particular studio also brought something to the album a special vibe I guess. Both regards to the vibes that we are there and the gear they have. This is a studio that really can colour an album.
Søren: Yeah I think that we were both. Excited but also there was this small feeling of uncertainty as Jesper said that the songs were not really ready as we went to the studio. I think that we had this feeling we don’t really know where this will gonna go. We don’t know for certain that it’s gonna be everything we dreamed of. Then we got it all setup and we started playing and it was like a revolution! It was like: Bäm! We are here! And for the last album we didn’t record in the same way we are standing in the rehearsal room. So we had this together-feeling and we gotta found each other. I mean that wasn’t that given. So that was an amazing feeling. So it was a bit of excitement, nervousness and a bit of: Yes!
I talked to a blogger and he told me: Oh the Rumour Said Fire duded they really really need this gig a Spot Festival. Do you agree with this statement?
Jesper: I think the people need to realize that we are back. And that need a lot of consist. First for the new Social Media world and you have to pay for everything that people can hear you. It takes a lot of attention from the media and you get that for free at Spot Festival. So yes it’s important for us right now that this is a new beginning and that we are coming back. We just need the people to realize that and hear it. As well this goes for our Roskilde concert this summer. So we have long lining of concerts coming and people are learning.
Ich bin ja nicht wirklich auf den Zug von The Rumour Said Fire aufgesprungen. Aber die Jungs waren super sympathisch und wirklich auch bemüht zu erklären, dass „The Balcony“ nicht nur ihr einziger Song ist. Gerade „Crush“ beweist, dass sich eine Band ganz bewusst verändern kann. Ganz natürlich und von einer geerdeten Basis heraus, die nicht herausbeschwört klingt. Klar, es gibt einen Cut zu ihren früheren Tracks. Traurig war es auch, dass beim Spot nur wenige der Fans bereit für die neuen Tracks waren. Das zappelt einfach nicht mehr. Aber damit muss man sich eben abfinden, denn The Rumour Said Fire sind begnadete Musiker und das neue Album tendiert zwischen trashigem Video (siehe Unten) und wirklich tollem abwechslungsreichem Songwriting. Bitte mehr davon!