Tessa Dixson – Prayer

New Tessa Dixson track „Prayer“

Tessa Dixson new Single "Prayer"

Tessa Dixson new Single „Prayer“

David is introducing you the nice and new track of Tessa Dixson.

Incredible vocal dexterity and texture on hand here from emerging vocalist newcomer from Belgium. In a veritable sea of competition amongst female songwriters and vocalists, Dixon’s tonal control and effortless flow shine throughout her new single, „Prayer.“ Speaking about the track, Dixon stated: “I have tried to evoke a depth in my lyrics combined with a melancholic melody to mirror the complexity of relationships. Even though there is a certain dark quality to the song I still wanted the sound to be fresh and soulful.” There’s an abundance of emotion throughout the track, keying in on pain, pleasure, heartbreak, and healing to the ’nth degree. Dive in and get lost.


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