Interview: VÖK

Interview mit VÖK – „I’ve always been a little bit afraid of the dark.“

VÖK im Interview - Fotocredit: Sigga Ella

VÖK im Interview – Fotocredit: Sigga Ella

Heute erscheint mit „In The Dark“ das neue Album von VÖK, weswegen wir der Band einige Fragen gestellt haben.


On the 1st of March your second album „In The Dark“ will be released. How does that open a new chapter for you?

VÖK: The album is much more personal than our last album so the lyrics are more built on my personal experiences while “Figure” was more about general human behaviour and emotions. So in a way the lyrics on this album are a bit darker then on “Figure” hence the title “In The Dark”.

„Spend the love“ criticized our consumption behavior shortly before Christmas 2018. What were the reactions to this statement?

VÖK: Well we definitely did not experience any criticism to the lyrics, only good vibes 🙂

How hard is it to implement such a message?

VÖK: This song was originally written to be a gay anthem, club centric song. The lyrics came pretty naturally to me because the consumerism is something we witness everywhere around us. Also we thought it was more just a mixture of humor and hypocrisy to release it shortly before christmas.

VÖK im Interview - Fotocredit: Sigga Ella

VÖK im Interview – Fotocredit: Sigga Ella

The gap between debut and second record is very short. What has actually changed and what has remained the same compared to „Figure“?

VÖK: I would say that “In the Dark” is much more accessible than “Figure”. The new album is a bit more groovy and up-tempo even though the lyrics are darker, so we are facing the darker lyrics with a sense of irony by having the songs more up-beat. We are trying to hold on to the foundation of our previous soundscape but changing many elements to make a new more accessible Vök sound.

What do you think is the strongest message in your new album?

VÖK: I would say the lyrics to our album title track “In the dark”, It is about overcoming your fears and self doubts. I’ve always been a little bit afraid of the dark so I used that as a metaphor, like your trapped in a dark place and your mind is poisoning your thoughts by telling you that there’s something out there watching you. But the fact is that just in your head, our mind loves to playing tricks on us so you keep on being stuck in the loop of fighting your own thoughts. The only way to win is to get out there and stop hiding.

How did you, as a band, benefit from the hype surrounding Iceland as a tourist destination? What will never change in your eyes despite the many new influences in Reykjavík?

VÖK: We probably got many new foreign listeners through our great Icelandic record stores that are always representing us and which we are also really grateful for. Iceland will always be a one of a kind tourist destination that we are happy to share with the world.


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