Interview: Tomi Saario

Tomi Saario im Interview

Tomi Saario im Interview über seine Karriere; Fotocredit: Max Motel

Tomi Saario, diesen Namen müsst ihr euch ganz und groß auf eurem Radar-Zettel für Newcomer notieren. Der Finne, der mittlerweile in London wohnt, hat kürzlich mit seiner ersten Single „Just A Little“ nicht nur alle Herzen höher schlagen lassen, sonder über 450.000 Streams eingeheimst. Beachtlich für den ersten Schuss und der hat sowas von das Schwarze getroffen. Bei Tomi stimmt einfach absolut alles. Der Kerl hat Charisma, er weiß wo er steht und er weiß auch, dass er, wenn er noch an ein paar Schrauben dreht ganz groß raus kommen kann. Nach seiner Debütsingle ist vor dem Durchbruch. Wir machen den Vorhang auf und haben dem Songwriter nun einige wichtige Fragen gestellt. Wir reden darüber, was ihn antreibt, wie er mit dem großen Druck umgeht und über seine persönlichen kleinen Glücksmomente in seinem Leben.

Can you introduce yourself, please?

Tomi Saario: My name is Tomi Saario and I’m a singer/songwriter/guitarist/artist from Finland, signed to Sony Germany (Four Music) and sing in English.

With „Just A Little“ your first single was released recently. How was the feedback on the release so far and how much does it push you?

Tomi Saario: The feedback so far has been incredible. The track made it into the top 200 radio airplay chart in Germany in only 11 days and actually just passed 450,000 streams. That’s so crazy. That kind of support definitely drives me.

You served. Pushing yourself is actually in your blood after 18 months isn’t it?

Tomi Saario: Yes I did. I served for about a year in the urban warfare squad and it definitely was an amazing opportunity to see how far I can push myself. Turns out, very far!

„The most inspiring moments are those “little” moments that might go unnoticed as they’re happening but are usually the ones that stay with you for some odd reason for a long time.“

There is a lot of pressure on you early on. How do you feel this pressure and how do you deal with it?

Tomi Saario: It’s an interesting question. I don’t really see it as pressure as music is what I love to do and I write the songs that I write because I have something to say. If they meet people’s expectations or not, is not really up to me. I’m just trying to tell a story to the best of my abilities and hopefully provide an authentic image of who I am. Performing I’ve done all my life so the pressure for that is actually quite enjoyable. It’s that good kind of stress!

Your grandfather was a fighter pilot, your father a flight captain and your uncle one of the most successful songwriters in Finland. The pressure of what seems to be quite high in your family as well, right?

Tomi Saario: Actually my mom is a flight captain as well! My family is full of amazing and talented individuals but there’s no pressure, just a lot of inspiring people to look upto.

Tomi Saario im Interview; Fotocredit: Max Motel

Your song is about very specific moments and also for inspiration e.g. for a new melody, lyrics etc. Don’t you feel that we let ourselves be too lulled by everyday life and experience far too few inspiring moments?

Tomi Saario: I think the most inspiring moments are those “little” moments that might go unnoticed as they’re happening but are usually the ones that stay with you for some odd reason for a long time. So I think we do experience a lot of inspiring moments and romance in everyday life but we’re too busy to appreciate them right there and then. I’m trying to get better at really living in the moment myself everyday.

You fell in love with blues and soul. Not exactly typical for a Finn right?

Tomi Saario: Yes I did, I mean what’s not to love? To me pop music is that sexy cover of a magazine that sells it but blues and soul is the real read. That’s what makes you buy the next one. But yes not that typical for Finn haha.

You hit the gas in London: 1,000 shows in 3 years. Imagine you are at one of the Open Mic events and perform „Just A Little“. How do you think the track would get there and could it prevail against a louder audience?

Tomi Saario: Yes I played whenever and wherever I could and I’m glad I did! I think “Just A Little” would be well received. It has a catchy chorus but also enough lyrical depth to make it interesting for even the more critical listeners.

Now you are releasing an acoustic version of your track. How did it change the song to another level?

Tomi Saario: Yes and a music video as well! It’s so raw and stripped back so you really get to hear the song the way it was written. Nothing to hide behind and I love that. The music video is pretty much all about how I write a song with a dream of playing it to a live audience.

How are things going for you this year?

Tomi Saario: Things are going amazingly well. The debut single is performing great and I still get to put out much more music this year. That is so exciting for me!!

Which festival would you like to play with your songs this year?

Tomi Saario: Ah man, there are too many great ones to pick from…I just want to get out there and play!

Am Freitag veröffentlichte der Songwriter noch dazu eine Acoustic Version seiner Single. Das Video dazu wird kuschelig und zeigt nochmal deutlich, wie variantenreich Tomi Saario seine Songs performen kann.



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