Interview: NEØV

NEØV im Interview zum neuen Album

NEØV im Interview über neues Album

Ihre damalige Single „Island“ zeigte schon mal an in welche Richtung es gehen sollte für NEØV: Mehr Gitarre, mehr Lärm, mehr Durcheinander, von allem also ein bisschen mehr. Und wer der neuen Platte „Picture Of A Good Life“ lauscht, wird wirklich viel Gitarre erleben dürfen. Aber so richtig stringent ist es nicht. Es gibt keinen Indie-Rock nach Schema A oder ähnliches. Sie mischen Italo, Psychedelic, Indie, Rock, Alternative. Alles worauf sie große Lust verspürten als sie in Hamburg waren. Dort ist das Album nämlich entstanden. In den legendären Clouds Hill Studios, fanden die Brüder Anssi und Samuli Neuvonen wieder zusammen. Nach ihren Reisen und drei Vorgänger-Alben, die allesamt zu einem immensen Erfolg in ihrer Heimat geführt haben, wollten sie wieder geerdeter sein. Dennoch durchdrang sie ständig das Verlangen danach ihren Sound um Nuancen zu erweitern, nicht nach der Pfeife des Gustos der Zuhörer*innen zu tanzen. Sondern einfach ihren eigenen Sound weiter entwickeln. Die Fans werden dann schon kommen und ihnen an den Lippen hängen. So wird es jetzt auch passieren. Das garantiere ich ihnen. Denn die Platte mit den 9 neuen Songs könnte sich als eine der Indie-Platten 2021 entpuppen.

Damit wir noch mehr in die Materie eindringen können und die beiden Brüder verstehen, wie sie die Songs geschrieben haben, welche Botschaft sie ihren Songs mit auf den Weg geben, das erfährst du jetzt in einem ausführlicherem Interview mit den Finnen:

You noticed relatively early on that you have to leave your little cosmos – Finland with you – in order to gain new impressions. How much has traveling and leaving your comfort zone shaped you to this day?

NEØV: From the very beginning, most of our influences have been international, but on the other hand we’re not after the latest international trends. Traveling, playing shows and recording the new album outside Finland have been great experiences that have added depth and perspective to our work. I guess most of our live shows have been in big European cities for several years now, but we’re still using remote locations in Finland as part of our work.

The new album is more about surrendering to the chaos and creative whirl, and improvising.

The predecessor to your new album was created in complete isolation in Finland. Now you went off to Hamburg to the Clouds Hill studios. What energies did the change of scenery set free for the new songs?

NEØV: Our previous album ‘Volant’ was introspective, almost meditative. New album ‘Picture of a Good Life’ is more related to live energy and tour experiences. When working at Clouds Hill studios we didn’t want to polish every corner. Instead, we wanted to capture a vibe that’s more human, and probably a bit more interesting.

Your new album has a lot to offer. There is everything about an epic long track that gets by with little text, about psychedelic sounds and Italo sounds. Where does this variation in your sound come from all of a sudden?

NEØV: We wanted to be more expressive with this album. ‘Volant’s production/sound was very carefully crafted, it was thick and fragile at the same time; beautiful, but probably lacked some variation and surprises. The new album is more about surrendering to the chaos and creative whirl, and improvising.

You said about the new album that you are much more interested in your music reflecting your soul life. Instead of a life that is just a reflection of a good, simple life. Isn’t that in stark contrast to our times with Instagram etc. where we always look great and want to be in a good mood?

NEØV: Interesting question! Lyrically ‘Picture of a Good Life’ could be seen as social criticism (and self-criticism as well) towards social media. But I think that chasing a picture of a good life is more than that, it’s something like a timeless paradox that’s deep in humanity. Are we chasing and presenting a picture of how we wish our lives to be, or are we actually living our lives?

Does that mean for your music that you allow all feelings and relentlessly present them in the form of songs?

NEØV: Lyrically, I usually have some kind of a main concept for an album, but the ingredients that fill the concept are reflecting my own experiences and the world around us. I usually write songs about something that bothers me, so there’s definitely a melancholic twist in everything we do.

To show it that way is pretty daring. During the songwriting, were you always a little afraid that you would scare off the audience?

NEØV: Music is about connecting, and feelings are essential part in it. You can’t please everyone, ever. But you can be yourself, and base your creative process on that.


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