Interview: Junodream

Junodream Interview – „We’re all lonely bastards“

Junodream aus London im Interview

Junodream aus London im Interview

Junodream sind für mich eine der Entdeckungen überhaupt. Deshalb musste ich der Band aus London einige Fragen stellen.

Ich war sofort Feuer und Flamme für Junodream! Jetzt ereignete es sich am 26. April, dass ihre allererste EP „Terrible Things That Could Happen“ erschien. Und ja was soll ich sagen? Diese Band, die ursprünglich eigentlich aus Bristol kommt und jetzt von London aus agiert, mutiert hier zu einer meiner neuen Lieblingsbands. Die Vocals sind so eindrücklich und ich frage mich bisweilen: Wie kann man nur so verdammt cool klingen bitte? Das ist so krass einfach nur. Und spätestens dann, wenn im Titelsong die Gitarren ausbrechen und mir einen Hauch der alten Coldplay Songs einhauchen, kann ich nicht mehr anders, als Gänsehaut zu bekommen. Großartig ist auch ihr Track „Odd Behaviour“. Dazu gibt es noch dazu ein super schönes Session-Video. Seht ihr aber unten.

Nunja, es folgt jetzt ein Interview mit den Jungs. Über ihre EP, warum sie doch alle alleine sind und wie es so mit ihnen weitergeht.

Could you briefly introduce yourselves: who you are, where you are from, etc.

Junodream: We’re Junodream, made up of Ed (Vocals), Tom (Guitar), Dougal (Guitar), Jake (Drums), and Will (Bass). We all became mates in our early teens and have grown up together across the south of England. We’re now in our early 20s and amazingly still friends.

Recently you’ve released your first EP Terrible Things That Could Happen. How has the reaction to the EP been made so far?

Junodream: So far so great. We have a group of fans who’ve been loyal to the band since we started last year and they’re still around so it can’t be that bad. We’ve also had some great press and picked up some new fans on the way.

I especially like the title track of the EP. Could you briefly sketch the process of creating the song?

Junodream: It’s based on a tense conversation between a couple in a car. Car journeys are interesting spaces because you can’t really escape – if things get heated you have to sweat it out. It was fun for us to make – the lyrics came very quickly and everything else fell into place nicely.

For the production you have retired to an old cottage. How was it there and how did it fuel your creative process?

Junodream: Intimate, cosy, and isolated – everything you could want from life. It gave us a chance to experiment with recording techniques and write a load of new material. Sometimes it got a bit mad (we’re saving that stuff for the 5th album when we become artistes). Over all, it was a great place for us to start as a band.

How does the temporary loneliness affect your kind of sound there?

Junodream: We’re all lonely bastards; maybe that’s why we work so well together. We like writing about loneliness. It can creep up in situations where you’re surrounded by loads of people, or in the company of someone you love. Spooky.

Junodream aus London im Interview

Junodream aus London im Interview

To what extent are you currently in a buoyant uproar? What should happen to your wishes according to this year?

Junodream: The prophecy has spoken – 2026 is the year of the Junodream. Until then, we’ve already started recording a follow up collection of songs which we’ll release later this year. We’re also getting together a bigger collection of tunes for next year, but that’s enough secrets for now.

When we hear your EP for the first time, what is the ideal feeling?

Junodream: We generally like songs that are sad and uplifting at the same time. If people feel a mixture of emotions when they hear our songs then that’s just fine by us.



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