Feature: Chloe Gallardo
Interview & Feature Chloe Gallardo
Die kalifornische Sängerin & Songwriterin Chloe Gallardo veröffentlichte am 12. Mai ihr lang erwartetes Debütalbum ‚Defamator‘. Es ist das bisher persönlichste Werk der gerade mal 24-jährigen Musikerin. Das Debüt behandelt die schwierigen Themen um Verrate in Liebe und Freundschaft. Das sind schwere Themen insofern, da sie immer auf sehr persönlicher Basis stattfinden. Man ist meist verletzt, zieht sich zurück, ändert sein gesamtes Leben, seine Sichtweisen oder scheitert in dadurch in anderen alltäglichen Situationen. Chloe zeichnet uns in den 10 Songs eine ziemlich schmerzhafte Realität. Gallardo schafft ihren eigenen Sound irgendwo zwischen Indie-Pop und Shoegaze, der ziemlich düster klingt. Ihre Vocals dringen durch, unterstützt wird sie dabei von recht leichten Folk-Elementen.
Dass Gallardo jetzt keine übermäßig pompöse Produktion dafür gewählt hat, liegt daran, dass sie die meisten Songs in ihrem Schlafzimmer aufgenommen hat. Und das mitten in der Corona Pandemie. Eine Phase in der wir ohnehin schon viel reflektiert haben und uns mit uns selbst auseinandergesetzt haben. So taucht sie ihre Songs wie „God is Dead“ in hauchzarte Produktionen, die regelrecht funkeln. Ihre düstere Stimme legt sich wie ein Schleier darüber. Über 4 Minuten schleppt sich dieser Song regelrecht durch unsere Boxen. Zutiefst berührend und traurig. Die US-Amerikanerin zeichnet Songs, in die sie schier ihre puren Emotionen legt. Wirklich happy wird es nicht mehr. „Last Dance“ behandelt zum Beispiel die emotionalen Folgen unerwiderter Liebe, mit der Bewältigung dieser und der nagenden Sehnsucht im Zentrum.
„Defamator“ ist ein überaus starkes und präsentes Debüt. Man kann sich den Emotionen der Songschreiberin niemals entziehen und folgt ihrem melancholisch, deepen Sounds bis auf die Grundstruktur. Im Interview sprechen wir nun mit der Musikerin über ihr Debüt, die Angst, dass ihre Songs zu traurig werden könnten und wie ihre Premiere im Studio auf sie wirkte.
With „Defamator“ your debut album is released. What expectations do you have for your first album and how excited were you?
Chloe Gallardo: „I’ve been pretty nervous but mostly excited. This is definitely the coolest thing I’ve ever made and I’m extremely proud of the amount of work that went into it and especially proud of the final product. It’s always been a dream of mine to record an album and this one is just so personal and real. I think it’s the perfect collection of songs for a debut project. I never would have expected to have landed a record label for my first release so I feel very lucky to be backed by so many people that believe in this as much as I do.“
You wrote most of the songs on the album in the middle of the pandemic and not from your findings in therapy. At some point in the songwriting process did you run the risk that „Defamator“ might become too sad?
Chloe Gallardo: „Oh definitely. I tried to steer away from the sadness and turn it more into anger instead. The lyrics are still pretty depressing but I think the heavier tone of the overall song helps bring it out of the “too sad” territory. I also picked these songs out of a handful of demos I had so I made sure there was a good balance of emotions within them.“
To what extent do the 10 songs help you to heal your stories, bad experiences, scars?
Chloe Gallardo: „Writing has always helped me to heal and grow from negative experiences. It’s my main outlet, which explains why a lot of my songs have a more depressing tone to them. I think this collection of songs in particular is really cool because if you listen to the album in order, it kind of tells a story of overcoming grief and pain. It goes from self-blame to anger and then acceptance. The whole process of making this record has been extremely healing and I honestly feel like a completely different person than I was when I wrote those songs.“
For the recording of your songs you were really in a studio for the first time. How good did that feel?
Chloe Gallardo: „It was so surreal. I remember the first real day of tracking, I felt so overwhelmed and I couldn’t believe that everyone in the room was there for something that I created from my own brain. I finally felt like I was being taken seriously and it really helped build my confidence in speaking up on how I want things to sound. I had the best experience recording and I can’t wait to start working on my next project.“
When you were writing your songs you weren’t feeling very well emotionally. You even think it feels weird to hear the songs like that now. Why have you never been ashamed of your feelings in the songs?
Chloe Gallardo: „I think it’s really important to feel the bad feelings. I’ve learned so much about myself through healing and if I hadn’t gone through those experiences I wouldn’t be the same person that I am today. I don’t really live with a lot of regrets for that reason. Things happen and you have to deal with them and the way you deal with them really tells you a lot about yourself. My life is so different now than it was back then and I think that’s proof that things really do get better with time.“