Feature: Beharie „Beharie, the Third“

Beharie Interview zur neuen EP „Beharie, the Third“

Beharie spricht im Interview über seine neue EP „Beharie, the Third“

Christian Beharie ist ein junger Mann mit einer alten Seele, der die Balance zwischen Identitätssuche und Unabhängigkeit aufrecht erhält. Inspiriert von Künstlern wie Michael Kiwanuka, Moses Sumney, Fleet Foxes und Leon Bridges, erschafft der Norweger eine musikalische Welt, die gleichermaßen von der Rohheit der alten Soul-Größen und der modernen Indie-Songwriter zehrt. In seiner neuen EP „Beharie, the Third“ geht es viel um seine zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen, seine Introvertiertheit und auch darum, naiv zu agieren und eine Beziehung trotz allem fortzuführen, obwohl alles verloren zu sein scheint.

„I’ve learned that life never turns out the way you plan. And it’s okay not always knowing what you are doing with your life. You have a lot of time to figure that out a long the way. Just don’t let it hold you back from trying out things you’d like to do.“

Dass Beharie schon als Kind viel Zeit damit verbrachte unterschiedlichste Instrumente zu lernen, hört man auch jetzt noch in seinen Songs. Die sind so bunt, offen für neue Einflüsse und zeigen, dass der Norweger einfach ein ungeheures Talent für Soul, R&B und auch poppige Sounds hat. Innerhalb zwei Jahren stehen nun zwei EPs zu Buche und für ihn hat sich seitdem auch gefühlsmäßig etliches getan. Es geht ihm emotional gut und er weiß wo er musikalisch steht. Im Interview haben wir ihm wieder einige Fragen zu den neuen Songs gestellt und seine weitere musikalische Reise.

In our last interview you told us, that in 2020 you have felt really connected with your feelings and thoughts. How are you feeling with regard to your new EP release „Beharie, the Third“?

Beharie: „I feel quite good about this EP. Really feels it captures the complexity of my thoughts and emotions these last years.“

„Point of view“ is about being introverted in a rather extroverted world. How big is the risk of going under? And what can we do to prevent that from happening?

Beharie: „That really depends on every indivual I believe. I think it’s important to learn to know your own needs and how the world affects you. And listen to your body and mind on the way.“

But it’s also about relationships. Because you know you’re going to drive them into a wall. To what extent does a fear resonate here, a kind of fear of loss?

Beharie: „For me, Point of view is not spesifically about romantic relationships, but more about how you relate and communicate with the world, people you know and don’t know.“

You’ve been on a number of shows as support and special guest for William Fitzsimmons. How was the time with him on tour and were you able to test your new songs live in front of an audience there?

Beharie: „It’s been really great! I enjoy being on the road. And love playing for a new audience. And got to try out a couple of new songs as well! And William is a really nice and inspiring guy to be around. So it’s been good so far. It’s kind of weird tho. Being in a new city every day without getting the chance to experience the city. But I’m enjoying it for the most.“

Being able to play live internationally again after such a long time must be a source of great joy even for introverts, right?

Beharie: „Haha, yes. I really enjoy playing live. It gives me a lot of energy and warmth!“

If there’s one thing you’ve personally learned over the last two years of the pandemic including the new songs coming out of the studio, what would it be? Gratitude? stoism?

Beharie: „I’ve learned that life never turns out the way you plan. And it’s okay not always knowing what you are doing with your life. You have a lot of time to figure that out a long the way. Just don’t let it hold you back from trying out things you’d like to do.“


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