Shag Rock

Die internationale Band des Monats im Interview

Shag Rock aus Brisbane: Die internationale Band des Monats

Shag Rock aus Brisbane: Die internationale Band des Monats

Shag Rock kommen aus Brisbane und noch sind sie hierzulande ein unbeschriebenes Blatt. Wir waren von ihrem Track “Cold Hands” derlei begeistert, dass wir sie kurzerhand zum Interview beim Soundkartell gebeten haben. Die internationale Band des Monats.

An diesem letzten September-Tag möchten wir Euch diese wirklich tolle australische Band vorstellen. Schenkt ihnen einen Like. Sie haben es verdient.

Soundkartell: Could you please shortly introduce yourself. Who is Shag Rock?

Shag Rock: “There’s probably no other way to describe it then just 5 really good mates who get together to smash out tunes that make us feel good. We’re just a brissy band who try and get everyone to have a good time with our music.”

Soundkartell: You say that you are just a few mates who love to play music. Is making music just that simple?

Shag Rock: “Well music comes when good times are flowing to be honest so in a way it actually is pretty simple. Like we’ve worked out the perfect formula… just having a laugh, having a jam and cracking in.”

Soundkartell: You started in 2011 recorded an EP and now there is this song “Cold Hands”. Where do you see this project and especially yourself as a logical result of your artistry?

Shag Rock: “Cold Hands is actually a lot different to our EP and you can definitely hear it. It’s a bit melancholy and a bit powerful which gets your feelings going; something we didn’t focus on as much back in the early days. So hopefully it sets us in a new direction of deeper, more layered musical pieces.”

Soundkartell: In “Cold Hands” there this strong voice power and on the otherhand the song establishes in very slow way. What is the most important element in your songwriting?

Shag Rock: “I guess we have to match the power of the music to the power of the message we’re trying to send. So we try to build our songs up and tear them down where we feel it hits hard and soft.”



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Soundkartell: When I commend this song to a friend of mine I would search a band to compare your sound with. For me there are some influences of The Neighbourhood. What band comes up to your mind?

Shag Rock: “It’s tough to say who we reckon we sound like you know, but I guess the Jungle Giants.”

Soundkartell: How risky is it to compare your own sound with the sound of another band?

Shag Rock: “I think it’s very difficult nowadays to write music where someone doesn’t say ‘oh that sounds like so and so’ or ‘they’re trying to be like this band’. Not to say that there aren’t any more genres of music out there to explore but it’s just that we don’t approach writing music as for a specific genre, but more just see where the song progresses along in the writing process.”

Shag Rock aus Brisbane: Die internationale Band des Monats

Shag Rock aus Brisbane: Die internationale Band des Monats

Soundkartell: If you have to write a song to describe the city Brisbane to us, which mood should this sound transport to us?

Shag Rock: “The mood of Brisbane isn’t really centred on the city itself. I reckon Brisbane’s ‘vibe’ comes from the areas outside of Brisbane that are all interconnected. But to us, the feel of Brisbane is made from the people rather than any kind of landscape. So it would be something real, if that makes sense.”

Soundkartell: Your greatest desire for the future. And what are your plans for the next months or the next year?

Shag Rock: “Oh look greatest desire would be to just jump in our shaggin wagon band van and just drive around Australia looking for little gigs in every city, probably stopping at every surf break and every local pub we see. Next couple of months we’re hoping to put out another video and a couple of singles. Longer term we’re trying to get a bit of interstate action going – hopefully heading down to Sydney.”

Soundkartell: Please complete this sentence: In a few years Shag Rock is…

Shag Rock: “Still making music in their parents’ houses. Nah but seriously it’s still early days and hopefully we keep cracking on with the music and having a good time. Cheers.”

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