Reeperbahn Festival Special Julielle
Julielle im Interview – Reeperbahn Festival Special
Wir haben der italienischen Pop-Künstlerin Julielle einige Fragen zu ihrem Sound und zum RBF 2019 gestellt.
Giulia ist eine autodidaktische Musikerin, geboren im Jahr 1994. Sie hat einen Hund namens Elle und begann mit 10 Jahren Musik zu machen. Ihr Sound lebt von verschiedenen Einflüssen: zum einen ist es die elektronische Musik, die man von Rave-Parties kennt, zum anderen ihre Leidenschaft für Edith Piaf und die bewegende Poesie, die sie durch ihre neapolitanischen Wurzeln inne hat. Wir haben der Italienerin einige Fragen zu ihrem Sound gestellt und weiter unten erfahrt ihr, wo und wann sie beim Reeperbahn Festival 2019 spielt.
Could you please shortly introduce yourself, who is Julielle?
Julielle: That’s a hard question. Each one of us is so many things in one. Mainly, Julielle has been writing music and verses since she was a little girl, but she just came out of the closet, because she has never taken herself seriously before. She grew up in the countryside with a piano and her dog Elle, she started to explore the underground club scene where she got to know electronic music, and then she tried to incorporate all this into her songs.
Your sound is very airy, almost spherical. How does that fit with your Neapolitan temperament or roots?
Julielle: I actually think there’s a Neapolitan approach to art. I mean that intimate, sentimental, but at the same
time almost overbearing way of expressing oneself. And obviously also a bit of sadness. LOL
In autumn, your debut EP comes out. What can we expect after your first two songs?
Julielle: Something coherent of sure, but at the same time something different. Both because my way of writing has changed a bit in last months, and because we decided to entrust almost each track to a different producer, so as not to risk that all the tracks in the EP sound the same.
You are playing Reeperbahn Festival with many other italian artists. What are your personal expectations?
Julielle: I couldn’t say.. I believe that Germany is the better place to play this kind of music, and I hope to be part of the German and European music scene.
How do you feel about Italy’s new music scene? And how can you give it some new impetus?
Julielle: I think that Italy’s new music scene is generating something really new and stimulating, mainly in the
underground. Regarding my contribution, I think that’s a question I don’t have to answer, but people who
listen to my music have to.
How exciting is it for you as an absolute newcomer to present new songs and get the first reactions?
Julilell: When I knew i would have come in Hamburg to present my songs I really couldn’t believe it. I’m very
excited because I’m going to play live for the first time the songs that will be part of my first ep “(a)cross”.
So I’m sooooooo excited and I can’t wait for that moment.
Hier könnt ihr Julielle live sehen:
DO, 19.09.2019 / 16:00 UHR
Spielbudenplatz 21-22, 20359 Hamburg