Feels like Wonderland – Psychedelic-Pop by JAMHED

JAMHED aus Stuttgart

JAMHED aus Stuttgart

Let’s start the last week of June. For doing so we take you to Stuttgart and we present you the psychedelic-pop JAMHED in our review.

The album-name is unbelievably hard to pronounce. Who has invented something like that? No press-person can take that as acceptable nor pronounce it? On May 15 has been released – and now watch out: “Lollipop Giveaway in Wee Wah Wonderland” as the new album by JAHMED. For god’s sake? What is that?

Well anyway. It’s about the music and this is psychedelic, poppy and then if you see it like that the title also fits perfectly like with the music. There’s a huge portion of comical and psychedelic appeal to the songs we couldn’t elude ourselves of from the first song on. The songs on the album work very well. There is for example the track “Neu”. Which loses itself again and again in instrumental melodies and then is gathered by the odd vocals.

It seems as if everything has been lowered and so JAMHED fill their songs with a certain laziness and smoothness. And even though they sound crazy at some points, it is especially song such as “Gravity” we especially like. Being a little bit crazy and round the bend never did no harm to anybody and this is what JAHMED prove us. This is also because that they have been working on their album to work out every detail. They did this for over one year to make it perfect. And even though we’re not fond of press-texts at all, the prescription “auditive type” matches perfectly. It is truly an experience to follow all the playful elements.

For JAMHED one needs to take time. You should do so, since only then you’ll realize that they don’t waste any second on their album with you. At some points they’ll evoke a laugh, when you’re asking yourselves: “What the hell does that mean now?” Generally speaking such psychedelic band are always hard to pass on to listeners. But JAHMED are definitely worth it for persuading others to listen into their music. Even though this will take time, new listeners will thank you, and especially the guys from Stuttgart.


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