Interview: VETO über ihr neues Album
VETO im Interview über ihr neues Album „16 Colors“ – „I see this album not as a fusion“
Heute erscheint das neue Studioalbum der dänischen Indie-Electronic Band VETO und wir sprechen über genau jenes Werk mit ihnen.
Das erste Mal, als ich VETO zum Interview persönlich getroffen habe, war 2012, als ich das erste Mal für’s Reeperbahn Festival akkreditiert war. Eigentlich hätte ich hinwerfen können, denn meine Lieblingsband zu interviewen, der Traum war in Erfüllung gegangen. Jetzt 6 Jahre später sprechen wir über ihr neues Album „16 Colors“, das morgen erscheint und es gibt viel zu besprechen. Denn irgendwie habe ich das leise Gefühl, dass die früheren Solo-Projekte von Sänger Troels Abrahamsen einen starken Einfluss auf die neuen Songs haben. Aber lest am besten selbst.
How much “Troels” of your solo projects is plugged in your new album “16 Colors”?
VETO: Everything has an influence on the music and that includes any other projects we involve ourselves in. In my own endeavours over the last two
or three years I have worked with my approach to songwriting and also the aesthetics and expression of the vocal performance. I have tried to
bring that research and those experiences into the group just as I expect the others to bring theirs. It serves no purpose for us as a group to try and
quantify how much is what and from who.
Several years ago it wasn’t sure if you would ever release a new album with your project VETO because of family, kids and private stuff you were confronted like every human in your age. In which way you were surprised of the creative output when you met the first time in studio for this record?
VETO: It was a pleasant experience for us to meet up after relatively short break of just over a year. At first we were just talking a lot, trying to figure out what we wanted as individuals and how that could work in a band setting. Musically the first year was very diffuse and all over the place, but eventually we found that spark of something that triggered all of us.
There are many new elements in your sound like in “One-Eyed And Dying” the disharmonious piano mixed with the typical gloomy VETO Electro Sound. What was the best incidence you had while producing your new songs?
VETO: In the recording process we have tried to bring in outside help – strings, horns, arrangers – to mix it all up a bit. It has proven to be a good strategy for us and it was everything we needed. When you engage other people in your music you have to be able to explain what you want and that’s something we may not have been so good at earlier.
And do you think that this album is more daring than the listener could imagine?
VETO: I make no assumptions as to what our listeners are able to imagine and how they perceive the music. Individual people experience things individually. However, I like to think that the feeling we chase in our work, the feeling of arriving somewhere you didn’t expect, our creative compass as it were, throughout all our albums, can be heard and felt by the listener.
My favourite track on your new album is “Mount Dome”. Compared to your older songs and the last release this seems to be a fusion of all this styles.
In which way you were aware of that this could be like a good solution for new songs on your new album?
VETO: All you can do when working with music is try to be more precise in the artistic choices from work to work. I see this album not as a fusion, but more as a cumulative result of all the processes that has gone before it. There are some remnants of some of our very early material, mostly in the way we have worked with dynamics and energy. For me personally this album is also the realisation of some of the things we wanted to do on our last two EPs, but maybe didn’t have the energy or determination to do at the point.
Your wishes for 2018 and your upcoming tour.
VETO: Play some concerts. Write some songs.