Interview: The Bones of J.R. Jones

The Bones of J.R. Jones im Interview – „Of all my albums, I am most proud of this one.“

The Bones of J.R. Jones im Interview - Fotocredit: Peter Crosby

The Bones of J.R. Jones im Interview – Fotocredit: Peter Crosby

Wir haben uns mit dem Americana Musiker The Bones of J.R. Jones unterhalten.

Am 11. Oktober startet seine Tour und The Bones of J.R. Jones wird wieder einige neue und auch bereits bekannte Herzen erobern. Aber nicht mit Herzschmerz, sondern durch seine Inbrunst und Leidenschaft, wie er Songs konzipiert und sie in Form bringt. Mit „Ones to Keep Close“ kam im Mai sein neues Album raus und darüber sprechen wir jetzt in einem Interview mit ihm.

In may you released your new album “Ones to Keep Close”. How was the feedback so far?

The Bones of J.R. Jones: Feedback has been great. Of all my albums, I am most proud of this one.

In winter 2017 you were on tour in Europe and especially in Germany. Do you feel any change for you as a musician and human in coming back on tour here?

The Bones of J.R. Jones: I guess not. I feel I have grown as an artist and I am hoping that I can translate that to my solo live shows.

While listening to your new tracks you conjure visions of smoky after-hours bars and the next morning’s quiet aftermath. I’m very impressed how you can illustrate moods and images with your music. How do you manage that? Losing completely yourself in writing songs?

The Bones of J.R. Jones: It takes me a long time to write songs. I play them over and over and over again until I can feel the mood the song dictates. So in some sense yes, I lose myself in the songs. It just takes a long time to get lost. haha.

What means exhilaration and and something like an ecstasy to you?

The Bones of J.R. Jones: Writing a melody that I wake up singing is one of the most of exciting things for me. If I can’t get a song out of my head, I feel like that is always a good sign.

The Bones of J.R. Jones im Interview - Fotocredit: Peter Crosby

The Bones of J.R. Jones im Interview – Fotocredit: Peter Crosby

In releasing your third album and piece of music which is more you than any other album in which way you feel complete and pleased on your musical journey?

The Bones of J.R. Jones: I feel good about the album and music for the moment. I think time will definitely change my perspective a bit and as I grow and create different music, where this album lives might change to.

Some people and media say that “Ones to Keep Close” is definitely your best album. How difficult is it to continue from this peak?

The Bones of J.R. Jones: Haha. Well that’s very kind… but I feel like everything is a process or a journey and this album was just a mile marker along the way. That way I don’t have to put too much pressure on it and I can view it just a moment in my creative process.

How does that feel? Like to climb a mountain?

The Bones of J.R. Jones: I’m still climbing that mountain.. so it’s pretty tiring.

How do you view the tour as a reward for your hard work?

The Bones of J.R. Jones: Well the tour should be fun, but it’s also a lot of work. I’m hoping I can find some time between the long drives to hang out with some good friends, play some music, and just enjoy myself a bit.



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