Interview: Gengahr
Gengahr im Interview zur anstehenden Tour
Gengahr sind bald wieder auf Tour! Am 31. Januar kam mit „Sanctuary“ das neue dritte Studioalbum der Band raus. Die neue Platte ist das mitunter facettenreichste Werk der vierköpfigen Band aus London. Die Band aus UK macht mit der neuen Platte wieder mal einen Satz nach vorn und produziert Songs bestehend aus wabernden Synths und tänzelnden Gitarren. Dass es Band bei den neuen Tracks bewusst darum geht die neu geschaffene Vielseitigkeit zu präsentieren, machen Gengahr zu einer Indie-Band, die sich nun final ganz oben im Bereich der Top-Bands festsetzt. Für Sänger und Songwriter Felix Bushe war es außerdem keine leichte Zeit. Der persönliche Schmerz und all die Konflikte, die er austragen musste, prägten die Songs. Und so wird Homers „Odyssee“ zu einem wesentlichen Bestandteil der Songs. Über die neue Platte, den Schmerz und die Odyssee führen wir mit Gengahr ein kleines Interview:
In February your new record will be released with „Sanctuary“. You will appear on this as multifaceted as never before. How are you particularly proud of this?
Gengahr: We are extremely proud of this record. We have given an awful lot of ourselves in order to make this happen and in that process i think we have made an abum that is as ambitious as it is personal.
You will go on tour soon. Can you imagine how the songs arrive?
Gengahr: We haven’t played everything live yet. The nature of how a lot of the songs were written meant we were freed from our normal restraints. Most of the tracks lived in the computer for a long time before adding the live elements that really brought them to life. That being said we have been playing a few of them when out on tour with Bombay Bicycle club and they were sounding really good…
Felix, you brought all your painful and bitter experiences into the new album. How hard was it for you as a listener to share it with us?
Gengahr: In many ways it felt unavoidable. After finishing our last record we were all taking a little time apart and that’s when I began writing the album. I think the fact that I was on my own enabled me to open up more in the songs and create a much more personal narrative.
Interestingly, Homer’s „Odyssey“ plays a special role in processing personal experiences. What should we all know about the „Odyssey“?
Gengahr: It is essentially a love story. Through all the chaos and bloodshed the Odyssey is about a man trying to find his way back home to be be with the woman he loves.
The human feeling and feeling for or against each other is very important for our thinking and acting. In your opinion, are we about to lose a very crucial part of this feeling, or where are we heading right now?
Gengahr: We do seem to be living in increasingly polarized times. I think it’s probably more important that ever to keep the dialogue open with those we disagree with.
What would your opinion help to make more empathy and feeling for our fellow human beings grow again?
Gengahr: I think you have to start with common interests. Listening is more important that shouting your opinions. Through a rational conversation you might change someone’s mind but the minute we lose that sense of mutual respect we only help solidify opinions further.
Your are playing some shows in Germany now. What are your expectations for your shows?
Gengahr: We love touring Germany, it brings back a lot of fond memories for us over the years. We hope that these shows will be our most sucessful to date though. We look forward to bringing Sanctuary to Germany.
To what extent is Gengahr a different band live than in the studio?
Gengahr: It is more rapturous, heavier and intense live. It’s our favorite part of being in a band. Getting to share these songs to an audience is going to be truly magical.
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