Interview: ÁSGEIR

ÁSGEIR im Interview vor seinem Release

ÁSGEIR im Interview über sein neues Album; Fotocredit: by Anna Maggie

Am Freitag erscheint mit „Bury The Moon“ das neue Studioalbum des Isländers ÁSGEIR. Auch dieses Mal hat er wieder ganz eng mit seinem Vater an Songs geschrieben. Doch der eigentliche Impuls neue Songs zu schreiben war die Liebe. Oder besser gesagt: Der Verlust der zuvor erfahrenen Liebe. Daraufhin ging es für den Songschreiber in die einsame Waldhütte, wie das auf Island so üblich ist. Er sei nur gejogged und habe dann an den Songs geschrieben. Eine überaus romantische Vorstellung. Das Album könnt ihr euch hier holen!

Was daraus entstanden ist, und wie er mit den schmerzlichen Erfahrungen umgegangen ist, erfahrt ihr hier im Interview (auf Englisch) mit ihm:

To what extent did the new songs make you a different musician than you were before?

ÁSGEIR: I don’t know if it necciseraly made me a different musician, but I think I came close to finding an element in songwriting that I felt like I had lost for a while. I’m more confident and have a better idea of what I want to do.

How did you manage to leave pain and loneliness behind?

ÁSGEIR: I didn’t leave anything behind i think, just tried to work through some things. It was a good time to think things through and realise where I’m at and where I want to go.

How important do you think it is to never completely avoid such painful experiences?

ÁSGEIR:I think painful experiences can be very useful in growing as a person. It can make us look inwards and bring up questions that would have otherwise not have been brought up. But I guess there are some painful experiences that should always be avoided like being hit by a car or touching a hot stove.

I find it impressive and inspiring at the same time what close relationship you have to your father
through your music. Could you please briefly describe how the relationship with your father was
strengthened with every song you wrote together?

ÁSGEIR: My father has contributed a lot of great lyrics to my music and on this album we have never worked as closely together before. I feel like our relationship is just getting better and better as we get older but obviously there is a very big age gap between us and we can’t connect on every level but I think at the core we are a lot the same. He has had a lot of life expiriences which is useful to have something to talk or sing about. The words that he writes are usually things that I can easily relate to but sometimes he has to explain what he means by something in order for me to see things from his perspective, sometimes I have something in mind that I want to talk about and we talk about it and work on it together. But I feel like now, maybe because I’m older now, that I have more things that I want to talk about and I’ll probably be writing more of my own lyrics in the near future, but I’ll probably always look to him for inspiration and some guidence.

Would you say that you were rather involuntarily catapulted out of your comfort zone for the new

ÁSGEIR: No I wouldn’t say that, I’ve been trying to get myself more out of my comfort zone for the past few years. Working with new people, saying yes to doing things that I never would have done before and things like that but on this album I didn’t actually go that far from my comfort zone, I worked on the album for the most part in the same studio as I’ve always worked in and did things pretty similar to what I’ve always been doing.

What was the biggest win for you personally and for the new album?

ÁSGEIR: I just feel like my head is at a better place now and my focus has shifted to things that matter and I’m trying to not think too much about the things that are out of my control. On the album I was able to put that into use I think and I’m very happy with how it turned out.

You’re actually considered a very introverted artist. Has your introvert as a musician ever doomed you or
do you only make use of it?

ÁSGEIR: I think it has stood in my way many times being introvert and shy but I’m think I’ve come far from when I was beginning. It might have actually helped me at some level when I was starting out but then it just becomes boring to people after a while I think. I’ve been trying recently to be more open to people and take a little more space and I think it’s working.

Your tour will start in a few weeks. What expectations and friends do you have when you think about
presenting your new songs all over Europe?

ÁSGEIR: I don’t know what to expect but rehearsals are going very well and I’m looking forward to play these new songs to all of the people that are coming out to the shows, I feel very lucky being able to do this for a living and I’m greatful for everyone that listens to my music!

Mit dem Release seines neuen Albums ist der Songschreiber auch wieder auf Tour. Hier gibt es alle Tourdaten im Überblick:

28. Februar – Mojo Club / Hamburg
29. Februar – UdK Konzertsaal / Berlin
15. Februar – Alhambra / Genf
28. Februar – Mojo Club / Hamburg
29. Februar – UdK Konzertsaal / Berlin
20. April – Central Station / Darmstadt
22. April – Gloria / Köln
23. April – Muffahalle / München
24. April – Täubchenthal / Leipzig


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