Feature: Amber Run
Amber Run Interview über neue EP „The Hurt (Act III)“
Das britische Indie-Trio Amber Run, bestehend aus Joe Keogh (Gesang/Gitarre), Tomas Sperring (Bass) und Henry Wyeth (Keyboard) hatte erst letzte Woche die Trilogie ihrer EP abgeschlossen. „The Hurt (Act III)“ beendet das Kapitel der EPs und sie werden so emotional wie noch nie. Im September 2021 erschienen mit „The Search (Act I)“ und im April 2022 mit „The Start (Act II)“ die ersten zwei Bundles der EP-Trilogie. Schon darauf tauchten sie in die psychische Gesundheit und innere Zerrissenheit ein. Keoghs sang und sprach über seine familiären Probleme, seine Einsamkeit und seinen persönlichen Kampf gegen die toxische Männlichkeit. In „Funeral“ singt er zudem über ein äußerst schweres Thema: Seine Suizid-Gedanken. Damit bricht die Band das Schweigen über dieses Thema und man bekommt beim Zuhören ein wirklich beklemmendes Gefühl.
I would suggest that collectively as men, women and in whatever way others identify, we are getting better at talking openly about our struggles.
Amber Run geht es in den neuen Tracks vor allen Dingen auch darum, sich in den Emotionen der Songs wiederzufinden. Jeder soll die Möglichkeit haben sich emotional mit den Songs verbinden zu können. Dass es dann schwierig sein wird, in den Songs über diese Schweren Themen zu sprechen und zu schreiben, war ihnen klar. Aber es ist ja gerade die Musik, die es uns möglich macht über schwierige Themen zu sprechen und sie in der Mitte zu platzieren. Amber Run wagen es und führen uns in den Tracks vor, dass der emotionale Spagat gelingen kann. Im Interview sprechen sie exklusiv auf dem Blog über ihre EP und ihre Gefühlswelt.
Your EP trilogy ends on November 2nd with „The Hurt (Act III)“. How is this a very emotional ending to this trilogy for you?
Amber Run: „Is it the end? Its just the beginning! We have a record coming. We wanted to give a story arc before our record. For people to see the development of making a record and make a pathway for the record to make sense. Act 3 is quite emotional, but you have to be low before you can rise.“
Can you briefly describe how you tried to translate these emotions musically into the three tracks?
Amber Run: „We wanted people to understand that before we (you; anyone) can pick themselves up they have to find themselves low. We tried to do that by piecing together some of the lowest moments of the last 5 years and create a backdrop for something exciting to grow.“
Joe in „Funeral“ you tell about one of your darkest chapters, your suicidal thoughts. How difficult was it to open up musically and how much fear played along, from the songwriting to the release and the reaction of your fans?
Amber Run: „It was difficult to talk about but music gives you the opportunity to speak about things that you can hide in normal conversations. These are difficult topics but personally I think they are important to talk about openly. Not hidden too far beneath metaphors but based in the real world. The reactions of fans has been beautiful. I feel supported and heard. And even more importantly its given space for people to talk about their own lives and how they cope, because mine is not an isolated story.“
For me as a man and in general, I can only say that „Funeral“ goes deep and I always ask myself: Why is it often the problem with men to face their feelings and talk to others about them? Do you have an answer?
Amber Run: „I don’t have an answer. I would suggest that collectively as men, women and in whatever way others identify, we are getting better at talking openly about our struggles. Its something that needs to happen and I. At least, can see progression. Its difficult to be vulnerable, but vulnerability brings people closer together and it gives those that are struggling a place to start moving forward.“
Are you already thinking about follow-up projects after the trilogy and what could that look like with an emotional ending?