Boho Dancer – „Sometimes we even manage to squeeze out some tears from the audience.“
Boho Dancer – „Sometimes we even manage to squeeze out some tears from the audience.“
Das Soundkartell hat sich mal ausgiebig mit der Folk-Band Boho Dancer aus Kopenhagen unterhalten. Sie sind eine weitere tolle Band im Reigen der talentierten Musiker und Künstler der dänischen Hauptstadt. Ihr solltet ihnen zuhören.
Soundkartell: What is your bandname about?
Ida: „A boho dancer can be anyone. It’s all about letting go, getting lost in the music and feeling transcendence. A crowd of real-life boho dancers is the best audience we can wish for.“
Soundkartell: In Copenhagen there numerous bands from different genres. In which way do your music enriches the city?
Símun: „We bring the melancholy and the intimacy. In Copenhagen there are so many wonderful bands and many of them are our friends. They always tell us, that we bring out the chills, when they experience our performance. Sometimes we even manage to squeeze out some tears from the audience.“
Soundkartell: What is “Slept On A Silver Platter” about? How comfortably is it to sleep on a silver platter?
Ida: „It’s about a gullible and naïve person who is letting his faith depend on others and thereby sleeping his life away on a Silver Platter. So if you sleep on a silver platter you have all the material riches, but it’s not doing anything to the development of your inner
riches. I don’t think that is a comfortable way of living.“
Soundkartell: You scandinavians have the prejudice to be cool, barren and gloomy. How do you think these prejudices fit to your sound? Is there any connection? Perhaps the voice of Ida?
Símun: „Sure there is a connection, especially in Ida’s voice, she’s able to express all of these prejudices, sometimes I even get scared of her, when she grows from being a little girl into some kind of witch monster. Wow!“
Soundkartell: Further everboy says that you could live a better life in scandinavian, especially the high standard of living in denmark. Do you think there is an impact to your music?
Símun: „Not necessarily. Well, maybe the best thing about our high standards of living is, that it’s easier to (almost) make a living of making and playing music, which means you can spend a lot of your valuable time doing it.“
Soundkartell: In which way music is one of your highest feelings you own?
Ida: „Music – when it’s best – opens a door to your deepest emotions. That is one of our most important aims when creating and playing music. Make it honest and be present in every note and emotion through the music and see people respond to this.“
Soundkartell: What can we expect from your new album?
Asker: „You can expect more great songs and probably a little bit more musical adventure. We’ve grown with this last record and want to dive deeper into the next one.“
Soundkartell: In which way do you think this is the logical consequence of your
artistic creation?
Asker: „I think it’s always a consequence in that you’re ever learning during the recording of an album. We have learnt a lot about how to arrange the songs, the pros and cons of different ways to record the them and also how to prepare the songs for recording in the first place. So I hope people will hear the development when the record is ready.“
Soundkartell: In which situations for you as a band and musicans being an artist is sometimes really like to be an artist/performer in a circus?
Ida: „For me, being a performing artist is also about being able to take your emotions and honesty with you on stage, that can be very much like a circus when you try to connect to your audience being attentive to their respond to what you do and at the same time being attentive to the interaction in the band, and playing everything
right, but also being prepared for spontaneous moments and changes. Not one concert is exactly the same – every vibe is different and you have to interact with the audience, the room and the band.“
Soundkartell: What’s on you as a band and your music still typical folk?
Asker: „In musical terms I think it mostly comes down to the acoustic guitar and the distinct use of vocal harmonies. In a more philosophical vain, it boils down to the wish of the good song to be the center of the music and the live shows to be a real experience and not just reproduction of a recorded piece of music.“
Soundkartell: Which meaing does Folk still have for you today? Do you think artists
like Passenger did change the image in a right way?
Asker: „At least the likes of Passenger, Mumford and Bon Iver helped to gain a much larger audience for the genre, which can only be a good thing in my world. Whether or not people knows of the authenticity of the original folk singers doesn’t mean that much as far as I’m concerned. But I certainly hope that people will check out the father and stepfathers of the mentioned artists, for there’s a big treasure in those early recordings.“
Soundkartell: Your biggest wish for 2014.
Ida: „We wish to touch and reach out to as many people as possible
through our music.“
Soundkartell: What can we Germans do better than you in denmark?
Símun: „Electronic music and cars, most definitely.“