Suits Boulevard
Sonntagsporträt mit Suits Boulevard im Interview
Für das dieswöchige Soundkartell Sonntagsporträt haben wir für Euch die dänische Band Suits Boulevard ausgesucht. Wir stellen sie Euch in einem Interview vor.
Normalerweise erwartet Euch hier immer ein selbst verfasster Text, ein Sonntagsporträt eben. Dieses Mal haben wir für Euch die Band Suits Boulevard aus Kopenhagen im Porträt. Dazu haben wir der Band einige Fragen zu ihnen selbst und ihrer Musik gestellt.
Die Band besteht aus den Musikern Mads Albertsen (Guitar), Mads Lindum (Drums) , Armin Kavousi (Vocal/Piano), Peter Scherfig (Guitar), Thomas Laursen (Bas) und letztlich Ashok Kumaran (Perc./Syn/Pno).
Uns hat der Sound von Suits Boulevard überrascht. Einerseits kündigen sie sich selbst ja als Alternative-Rock Band an, aber wenn wir dann großartigen Songs wie „Oblivion“ lauschen, stellt sich raus: hoppla, das klingt anders als erwartet. Irgendwie soft. Emotional, aber nicht zu schmalzig. So würden wir die Musik der Dänen beschreiben.
In ihrer Heimat sind sie bereits eine größere Nummer. Hierzulande warten sie noch auf den Durchbruch. Der kann aber durchaus bald schon einsetzen.
Lest jetzt das Interview mit Suits Boulevard:
Soundkartell: In three sentences: Where are you from and how did it all start?
Peter: „We are from the Southern region of Denmark, Vejle, Kolding, Fredericia and Odense and our musical backgrounds are widely different, ranging from metal, funk, pop, rock and rap. In short Mads A (guitar), Mads L (Drums) and Armin knew eachother from work, then contacted Armins good friend Peter (guitar) and started recording. We could feel right away, we had something special.“
Soundkartell: What three things characterize your music the most?
Mads A: „Wisdom, love and justice.“
Soundkartell: You describe yourself as an Alternative, Rock Band. When I would be someone who listens the first time to your songs and this song would be „One Wish“. He can’t say that this is Alternative or Rock, right?
Mads L: „Interesting question, which basically points to the essence of SuitsBLVD – our music is widely different both in lyrics and melody. We don’t let the genre determine our music creation, rather the fact that letting our emotions speak through our music, then people can categorize the genre themselves. We chose “alternative rock” since that embraces diversity.“
Soundkartell: When we have to be honest, your sound is very soft when we compare it to some other rockbands from denmark. Or is there some hidden asperity in your songs?
Armin: „The 5 singles released so far are melodically honest. We wanted to approach the music business with open arms, where every element of the song could be heard. If we distorted everything, we wouldn’t have been heard worldwide as we are now. And by such different group and age of people wouldn’t have acknowledged us. Fortunately this wasn’t the plan. This was us in a studio, writing and producing songs we loved – and that in itself meant a lot to a whole lot of different people, cultures, countries and ages. – But you are right. There is a hidden asperity, which can be seen live and heard in the upcoming album. The songs differ in style execution and genre.“
Soundkartell: You, Suits Boulevard, had an amazing year with 5 very successful singles. How does the successful streaks goes on this year for Suits Boulevard?
Thomas: „Well, we started our winter tour in November 2014 – this hasn’t stopped, since we keep getting booked. So for now, we are recording the album, playing live nearly every week and doing radio, blog, newspaper and TV interviews as we go. Our success in 2015 will continue due to the fact that we work 18 hours a day. The rest of the time, we sleep, eat and have sex.“ 😉
Soundkartell: In denmark you have a bright future ahead of you. Give me three reasons why Suits Boulevard should also be successful in Germany?
Armin: „We actually broke through in online magazines and in radio stations in Germany before Denmark. We even got invited to tour in Germany and Europe, before our friends knew who we were. I think Germanys diversity of people, multi-nationalism and different cultures are more open to foreign music, which ultimately will become our success in Germany. And + you have Heidi Klum, which makes us want to play in Germany.“
Soundkartell: For us it seems really hard for danish bands to get successful across the border, to Germany. Are good connections to german speaking people more important then the music you make?
Ashok: „I think Denmark and Germany have had a long history together which resulted in open boarders – Germans vacationing in Denmark and Danes going to Germany to party. This created the acceptance of each others culture and simultaneously created an unspoken bond between the nationalities which now help each other in everything. Football, Eurovision contents etc. We are 2 countries working together, which we think is the way of future generations. And of course – being able to speak with the crowd has a massive impact on the experience at the concert.“
Soundkartell: For me the danish musicscene has a very positive standing and a standing of high quality. How do you see our musicscene in Germany?
Peter: „Germay has provided some of the biggest names in music history. Rammstein, Scorpions, Kraftwerk and many more. I would say your standards are at least equal to the quality of the Danish bands. The only difference is that you have roughly 80 million citizen where DK has 5. This of course allows the Danish fans and labels to be more picky since a smaller audience have to be satisfied. Whereas Germany is so vast, that you could be a local hero but no one in Berlin would know you. In DK, if you make it, everyone will look at you and demand more from you.“
Soundkartell: Imagine Suits Boulevard is on the road in a train from Copenhagen to Munich, over Hamburg, Berlin and Cologne. A train full of important people of the german musicscene. You have one chance to make an announcement to convince the people in the train of your music.
Thomas: „We would take out our instruments and let the music speak for itself during the trainride. We would get the passengers onboard and create a massive party. We would do this, because we love what we do. If the “important people” then in a few years looked back and remembered that moment where we totally destroyed a train – we have had a successful “announcement”.“
Great thanks to Suits Boulevard!