Jerusalem In My Heart
Jerusalem In My Heart Interview
Am 19. Oktober kommen Jerusalem In My Heart nach Deutschland. Zeit für ein einführendes Interview, was sie so machen.
Allein der Bandname ist großartig! Jerusalem In My Heart, was für ein toller Name für ein spezielles Projekt. Sie machen Musik, die dem Zuhörer viel abverlangt. Dass das aber gut ist, was die Band aus Montreal muss erklärt werden. Zeit also für ein Interview mit der Band beim Soundkartell.
Soundkartell: You are coming to Germany for three shows. For what are you looking forward the most?
Jerusalem In My Heart: I really do love the Uebel & Gefährlich venue in Hamburg, as it is not only an amazing piece of crazy architecture, but also is run by such an amazing crew of people. Plus, the synth studio there is always a pleasure to visit. Berlin should be really cool as we will be at the Delphi theatre, which I’ve never been to, but from the looks of it, looks amazing and reminds me of a small UT Connewitz in Leipzig (another one of my favorite venues!). Basically, really happy to be in Germany, and present this work to a German audience, especially given the current political climate.
To be honest: You music is very difficult to understand. Let’s talk about your song “Ta3mani; Ta3meitu” for example. What is it about?
You picked a very “à propos” track to ask me about. It’s a rendition of a song by legendary Kurdish / Turkish folk singer Siwan Perwer, who lived in Germany for many years in exile. This is one his many folkloric socialist reflections on the worker and the working class and one’s place in it, but in a very beautiful and poetic form.
And what intension do you have to the audience to get behind the songs, when they are listening to it live?
The performance is a very emotional one, and contains many sensorial elements that speak to the individual on many levels, which makes for a very ‘personal’ experience. My intentions behind these pieces is a very personal one, and I am very much aware of the fact that the majority of the audience cannot ‘understand’ the language of the words, but that is but one of the many ways we communicate with each other as people. I think our audience understands a lot of the emotions we propose to them.
Is there a difference performing your songs live and on CD and if yes, please explain this difference.
Well, the albums are but 50% of the actual project. The performance is very much an installation with the 16mm film loops that we prepare for the show. The visuals are such a big part of the show which sadly cannot be represented on a recorded format. Personally, I feel one cannot really understand the project until they have seen it live.
I can imagine when I’m there at your show and listen to your songs with your visual installation, that all this will evoke something in me. Maybe I will reconsider. Do you have a hint for me how to consume your music live?
Well, that’s a huge request you are asking of me. I like the idea that a person is able to draw their own conclusions as to how to take the show in. The history one carries with them wherever they go very much shapes their opinion of how they experience their surroundings. This very notion is what I focus on. I am interested in what a person brings to the table when they arrive to a JIMH performance, and how they understand what we are doing, through their own prism.
Do you remember an outstanding reaction of a person or group which have listened to your live-show?
Well, I did have a person have a religious experience at show of mien one. They started praying ‘at’ me while performing. I think the show evoked many deep and sincere feelings in them and they decided that they need to channel that. It was quite extraordinary.
What are your goals performing such an outstanding show? Is it about that people should be astonished?
Absolutely not. Astonishment has very little value if it is the goal. I just hope that people leave the performance with a connection that they would have made with us. A feeling of understanding the other and relating, not a feeling of exclusion and or doubt.