JAXN Interview zur Single „Kno More“

JAXN aus Manchester im Interview

JAXN aus Manchester im Interview

Gestern erschien mit „Kno More“ der neue Track von JAXN. Das Soundkartell hat ihm einige Fragen gestellt.

Gestern war es soweit und mit „Kno More“ erschien der neue Track des Electro-Pop und Soul-Pop Musikers JAXN. Der talentierte Musiker aus Manchester hat zuvor schon reichlich Lorbeeren für seine Tracks verteilt bekommen. Jetzt also seine neue Single, Zeit also, dass das Soundkartell jungen Musiker einige elementare Fragen stellt. Seine neue Single gibt es hier natürlich auch zu hören.

Soundkartell: Could you please introduce yourself very shortly?

JAXN: „Hi I’m JAXN…Manchester’s number one answer to soulful electronic pop.“

“Kno More” is your latest single. Could you exactly explain what your target group is you want to reach with your new single?

„I’d love for everyone to dig it, I understand that’s probably not going to be the case.

Your influences are Jai Paul, The Neighbourhood and Prince. How difficult is it to position yourself in this very highly competitive market with your own and individual sound?

„I mean I started doing this a year ago, so I find it hard to answer that question. I’ll let you know when I’m firmly positioned, I just tend to write the music that I love and if that gets me somewhere then that’s a bonus.“

You are planning to take 2017 by storm. These are ambitious goals. Are you ready to handle the big storm?

„I’d say so yea, the storm is long overdue.“

You are coming from Manchester. Could you please describe the music scene in Manchester, what is happening there right at the moment?

„The music culture’s sick. There’s a wide variety of genres and a few exciting movements popping up here and there. JAXN being the most exciting one.“

Where do you see yourself in this scene?

„At the forefront carrying the torch.“

You’ve earned a lot of positive feedback to your work until today. How do you deal with that feedback in realtime when you are writing new songs?

„My songwriting techniques don’t change. I am always trying to write something fresh that differs from my previous track. I’d hate to be a one trick Pony.“

Today we are living in a time full of uncertainties and a lot of populists are getting more and more one’s second wind. What do you think is your job being musician to deal with that thoughts and conditions?

„It’s hard to comment on something so in depth, I’m just having a good time…I think that’s important at this stage, let all the bullshit come later.“

And what should you never be scared of?

„You should never be scared of pop melodies and catchy guitar riffs.“


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