Jackie Moontan Interview Reeperbahn Festival Special

Jackie Moontan im Interview – Reeperbahn Festival

Jackie Moontan im Interview

Jackie Moontan im Interview

Achtung bei Jackie Moontan wird es gleich abgefahren. Ihn gibt es jetzt im Interview.

Could you please introduce yourself in a nutshell, who is Jackie Moontan?

Jackie Moontan: Hello I’m Jackie. I’m a moonman. I am rather petite but I certainly don’t fit into a nutshell.

What means being kitschy for you and performing your songs live?

Jackie Moontan: According to human dictionaries the adjective ‘kitsch’ is defined as ‘considered to be in poor taste but appreciated in an ironic or knowing way’. Now I’ve never been considered by any jury to fit anything else but these two words: impeccable taste. And when applied to performing live, I try to uphold that golden standard as much as the 4 tequila sunrises I had before the concert will allow me.

You are playing Reeperbahn Festival this year. What are you expecting for your concert?

Jackie Moontan: I expect to be surrounded by as many gangsters, sailors and sex workers as attended the iconic Beatles concerts of 1960.

When you are performing live you are wearing satin shirts and bright coloured suits. In which way this is also part of your music and a try to stand out of the Indie-playing mass?

Jackie Moontan: I choose satin because I have a very delicate moon skin. As for the bright coloured suits, well I am afflicted by the pale eye syndrome, common among moon people, and something close to colour blindness in humans and I am exclusively attracted by bright, colourful things because they seem to emit more colour and spark more joy.

You are describes as a discreet observer. If you could choose to be an animal which is observing us as humans and listening to your music which animal would you love to be and why?

Jackie Moontan: The chameleon. It is never in a rush, always makes good use of it’s tongue and looks like a goddamn disco ball.

You’ve released your first EP “Zoo” in 2018. What will come this year or maybe next year?

Jackie Moontan: There will be a ‘Zoo Part Two’ – a second 5 track EP releasing by the end of the year. I am also currently preparing an album for next year that will explore and further develop my experiences and adventures on this wild planet.

With which memory do you want to leave Hamburg after Reeperbahn Festival?

Jackie Moontan: Hopefully one involving a gangster, a sailor and a sex worker.

Jackie Moontan live:
FRIDAY | 19:30 – 20:00 | Kaiserkeller


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