Interview Sarah P.
Interview mit Sarah P. – Eine Vorstellungsrunde
Sarah P. spielt am 25.01 ihr erstes Konzert in Deutschland im Privatclub in Berlin. Das Soundkartell stellt Euch die Musikerin kurz in einem Interview vor.
Am 25. Januar ist es soweit. Dann spielt die gebürtige Griechin Sarah P. ihr erstes Konzert in Deutschland. Sie wird dort ihre neue EP „Free“ vorstellen, die sie am 14. Dezember 2015 rausgebracht hat. Da Sarah P. noch etwas unbekannter ist, möchte ich sie Euch vorstellen. Alle Infos zum Konzert bekommt ihr übrigens hier. Nun wollen wir Euch aber die Griechin in 9 Fragen vor.
Could you please shortly introduce Sarah P.?
Sarah P.: „Sure thing! I’m Sarah, I hail from Athens, Greece and I make pop electronic songs under the name Sarah P.“
You moved from Athens to Berlin. Why did you make this decision for you as a muscian?
Sarah P.: „I moved to Berlin in summer 2014. Earlier that year, I walked out from the band I was part of (Keep Shelly in Athens) and honestly, I hadn’t much to do in my hometown – I hadn’t at least anything keeping me bound to Athens anymore (apart from family and friends of course). My then management advised me to move to Berlin since the music I was scratching would fit with the vibes the German capital radiates. And so I did, I packed my stuff and moved to Berlin. I love traveling and changing my base, I love that it gives me the opportunity to get to know more about other cultures which is having a definite impact on my music. Berlin is a very inspiring city and it’s a hub for the creatives. I always feel the need to mention that I didn’t leave my city because of the crisis – I left because I felt like seeing new things and trying my luck away from home and the protective bubble it offers.“
What does Berlin offers to you that Athens could never offer to you in nearer future?
Sarah P.: „To be honest, Athens and Berlin have the same vibe. They’re both very open-minded cities, with great character and history. They’re both cultural spots where arts bloom. If there is anything that Berlin offers that Athens will probably never have (unless somebody decides to destroy the city and rebuild it) that’s space. In Athens the streets are smaller, the houses are closer to each other and everything feels more compact. Berlin is more spacious and I love that.“
You are playing your first show in Germany in Berlin. What can we expect from your gig?
Sarah P.: „That’s right, my band and me will perform live on the 25th of January at Privatclub. For the live show, I’m joined by computer genius Owen Howells and the super talented drummer Marv Rudnick. I’ve got to say that live drums absolutely add up to the songs and make them breathe in a different way, to the favor of the live show. Everything sounds a bit more energetic, so whomever wants to come should remember to wear comfortable shoes.“ 🙂
Why could that be something like a starting shot for you?
Sarah P.: „The Berlin show? Oh well, I mean it will be the first time playing a show in my new home town with this set up. With the love shows we started already in London last December, shortly before the release of „Free“. Also on the 14th of January we’ll appear at Eurosonic Noorderslag in Groningen, NL, so technically the Berlin show will be the 3rd show ever and the first one in Germany. We’re all ( the live band, Owen, Marv and myself) very much looking forward to it.“
When you think about the past year 2015, were there moments when you ever felt „overstrained“?
Sarah P.: „Yes, but mostly because 2013 and 2014 were two really rough years for me. Those two years were as if I was stepping constantly on the quicksand, everything was changing, things happened to me that I just had to accept and move on no matter how hurtful they might have been. 2015 was the year when I finally managed to slow down a bit, reflect on what’s happened and make my peace with it all. Luckily enough the people I’ve met in Berlin have become a second family to me and helped me put everything in place, „clean up“ my thoughts and really start over – both as a musician and as a person.“
Did you ever tried to be someone or to be in a situation you’ve never been before?
Sarah P.: „More or else everybody’s felt that way, isn’t that right? I mean it’s kind of a natural flow and part of our human nature. Sometimes it’s also needed to get off track to find back again.“
If yes: Were you proud that you managed with that situation?
Sarah P.: „It always feels good when you manage to balance out things. You become your own hero in some kind of way. We all get stronger throughout the years, if we don’t let the bad stuff taking us on. What I learned after my share of hardships is that a positive outlook towards life makes the whole journey way smoother.“
Please describe how Sarah P. Sounds if I would listen the first time to your music at your gig in Privatclub at the 25th january.