Interview Reeperbahn Festival: Jack Vallier

Interview Reeperbahn Festival: Jack Vallier – „I love performing.“

Jack Vallier im Interview - Fotocredit: Louis Browne

Jack Vallier im Interview – Fotocredit: Louis Browne

Wir haben uns in einem kurzen Interview mit dem Briten Jack Vallier unterhalten.

Jack Valliers Sound ist so smooth und federleicht. Das beweist er mit seiner aktuellen Single „Love You Twice“ . Und es gilt vor allem eines, wenn wir uns seine Songs anhören: Er tänzlelt mit seinen Beats und Lyrics am Zahn der Zeit. Er trifft damit genau ins Schwarze. So geht es in seinen Songs um die Liebe, klar. Notiert Euch folgendes Datum: Samstag, 22.09 um 20:15 Uhr in der St. Pauli Kirche. Das wird so großartig! Lest hier das ganze Interview mit ihm:

How important is Spotify to you career? (can maybe talk about your success in streams, but say how a musician must use all available means?)

Jack Vallier: Spotify has been so important for me right from the start. I released my first song (Rebekah) with no label, and Spotify still gave it such a big platform for it to be heard, I’m super grateful to be making music in a time where, if the music is good enough, it can be amplified to so many people.

Jack Vallier im Interview - Fotocredit: Louis Browne

Jack Vallier im Interview – Fotocredit: Louis Browne

You write very emotional music, it must be difficult to perform the songs sometimes?

Jack Vallier: I definitely get lost in the emotions of my songs on stage, but that’s why I love performing. When I am telling the stories to new people it’s really important for me to feel all the things that made me write the song in the first place so people get it, I would definitely find it more difficult to sing songs that I couldn’t relate too.

Outside of your past relationships, what else inspires your songwriting?

Jack Vallier: I literally write about what I am feeling on the day, over the years relationships have been at the front of my mind a lot, but I can feel a shift as a get older, I’m writing about mental health, the state of the world, and different forms of love. Even so, I like to put things across in a way that the most possible people can relate to.

Are you excited to play at Reeperbahn?

Jack Vallier: I’ve never played a festival away from the UK, and I’ve heard amazing things about Hamburg and the festival, I’ve never been more excited for a show!



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