Interview: Jungle By Night

Jungle By Night Interview zur Tour

Jungle by Night im Interview zur Tour

Es ist soweit: Im Januar 2024 kommt das niederländische Instrumentalkollektiv JUNGLE BY NIGHT nach Bochum, Berlin und Hamburg. Das Soundkartell präsentiert die Shows und hat der Band alle wichtigen Fragen zur Tour gestellt.

Seit mehr als zehn Jahren macht die siebenköpfige Band JUNGLE BY NIGHT in den Niederlanden aber auch über die Ländergrenzen hinweg Furore mit ihrem einzigartigen Sound aus Funk-, Brass-, Elektro- und Rhythmelementen mit Einflüssen und Zitaten aus allen möglichen Musikrichtungen. Die sieben Musiker:innen kommen aus Amsterdam und haben schon etliche Alben veröffentlicht. Natürlich ist das Klangspektrum durch die immense Instrumentierung der Band ziemlich breit gefächert. So kommen Fans von ganz unterschiedlichen Genres oder auch Rhythmen in den Genuss ihrer Musik. Die Entwicklung der Band ging von Blechbläsern hin zu elektronischeren Einflüssen. Der Groove stand plötzlich im Fokus ihrer Alben. Analoger Sound trifft auf Funk, Krautrock und 70er-Jahre-Funk. All das ist bunt, knallig und extrem vielfältig.

Wir sprechen nun über die Live-Shows der Band und was wir dort erwarten können.

You have now played countless live shows and released your seventh studio album “algorythm”. Aren’t you tired of being on stage again in Germany in January?

Jungle By Night: „Actually we have been working on a new album, so it is actually a really nice change of pace to go out to play, and try out  some new things.“

When visitors go to your live shows for the first time, do you have to warn them about the insistent and immersive groove you’re spreading?

Jungle By Night: „Usually people find out for themselves, and for those who don’t know, they will be pleasantly surprised.“

When there are as many live musicians involved as you are, surely there is an incredibly high error rate as to what impossible things can go wrong? However, with such a large group, is it easier to absorb negative things in a positive way?

Jungle By Night: „Well of course there is a high error rate, but also a high ‘’safety’’ rate, if someone makes a mistake, we all make shure that it gets resolvded musically, so they are more like “happy accidents’’ which sometimes lead to very cool moments.“

You are known for exploring countless genres. Can you explain a bit about which are mainly represented at this point and say if there is one you would still like to explore and if so, why?

Jungle By Night: „Well, we don’t really plan to explore new genres before we start, but it’s more of a representation of what we like to listen to at the moment. On the next Ep that is coming out, we took a step back from more electronic sounds, and went back to a more laidback groovy bass, guitar and drums setup. And we finally made an ambient track, which is really a genre we haven’t done a lot with and want to explore further. For our 8th album I think we took some inspiration from Neue Deutsche Welle, we really love that kind of music.“

Have you already defined for yourself when this tour in Germany was successful for you and what experiences would you definitely like to have?

Jungle By Night: „We love to play in Germany, and if we reach more people, and come back next year to bigger venues and festivals, I would consider this a very successful tour!“

Jungle by Night – Live 2024

Präsentiert von ByteFM, Soundkartell und Kulturnews
25.01.24 Bochum • Bahnhof Langendreer
26.01.24 Berlin • Metropol
27.01.24 Hamburg • Mojo


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