Death Machine Interview

Death Machine Interview „We make happy songs for sad people.“

Death Machine im Interview; Fotocredit: Sarah Buth

Death Machine im Interview; Fotocredit

Beim Spot Festival habe ich mit der Band Death Machine zum Interview getroffen.

Für mich war Death Machine eines der Highlights beim Spot Festival. Definitiv. Jesper Mogensen, der Sänger des Projekts ist ein eigenwilliger Typ. Eigentlich dreht sich das Projekt um ihn. Um seine lethargische Stimme und es ist sein Songwriting, denn die Songs wirken auf der einen Seite so unfassbar düster und traurig. Bieten aber wie die Band im Interview dann erzählt, auch Raum für die lichten Momente. Jeder darf zu jeder Zeit und wie er will etwas in die Songs hinein interpretieren. Aber es ist ja oft so, dass in etwas dunklem meist auch etwas aufhellendes liegt. Für mich ist Death Machine aus Kopenhagen jede Sekunde wert, denn ihre Songs sind so tiefgreifend und unumwunden schön konzipiert. Gerade live eine Wucht!

Jesper:Actually I want people to feel a little bit sad. I don’t know why, maybe it’s because then we relate to each other. I don’t know. But as you said: It’s not all that depressing. There is also some light in it. Personally I like when music is able to blend different emotions. That is what I aim to do when I write songs..

Für die Background Sängerin in der Band ist der Sound ohnehin sehr neu. Sie ist gerade mal 1 Monat Teil der Band und für sie beinhaltet die Musik viele ganz existentielle Elemente, zu denen sich viele hingezogen fühlen und zu denen wir vor allem einen direkten Bezug haben.

You are playing Lille Sal. The perfect place for your sound?

Morten: We talked about it actually the day before. We all said that this is actually the perfect place for our music there.
Jesper: There could not be any better place than this one. Maybe one day we could play a bigger place but that is not necessarily better. Lille sal is both grandiose and intimate at the same time I think. It is the perfect setting for Death Machine.
Death Machine im Interview; Fotocredit: Sarah Buth

Death Machine im Interview; Fotocredit

So this could be something like a highlight for you!

Simon: Hopefully! Especially in the case that this is a sitting concert. The people have to sit down and listen. You have to listen to the music . Sometimes people just drink beers and talk during the entire show. But here you have to sit and listen.
Jesper: Yes and that makes it more intense. Because everybody can hear every little sound you make. Which is good! We want the music to be fragile, though it makes us even more nervous to play a wrong note or something like that.

Are you ready to play Spot Festival and in which way your sound is complete?

Jesper: Yeah but I don’t know if you can ever feel totally ready for anything. Maybe it´s just me, I rarely feel ready for anything. You can always get better. We are constantly trying to improve or change the songs.
Death Machine im Interview; Fotocredit: Sarah Buth

Death Machine im Interview; Fotocredit

I feel your songs like little and very rare pearls. And when you put them all together you have a huge total work of art. In which way this is something you are aware of while you’re writing songs?

Jesper: Are you talking about the songs where it was just me, sitting alone in the kitchen?


Jesper: The Death Machine project started with this dogma. I had 8 hours to record and create a song before it got published. At that time I was in a kind of a life crises. And every song was actually a statement of how I was feeling and thinking at the moment I recorded the songs. So yes: It’s like a kind of a travel through a time period of my life. And it was very directly because the songs came out one at a time just after I recorded it. So when I finished one song people could to listen to that until the next one was recorded.

It seems that you are always fighting against something. What stands in your way when you’re writing a new song?

Jesper: Yes, we all have our day jobs. That just means that you don’t sleep that much.
Death Machine im Interview; Fotocredit: Sarah Buth

Death Machine im Interview; Fotocredit

Do you remember the most emotional reaction to one of your songs or after a show you’ve played?

Jesper: There was actually a girl or one of her friends told me that she started crying. So that was a success I think (everybody is laughing). I think that the atmosphere in our songs are sad but the melodies are sometimes happy . So we are making happy tunes with depressing lyrics.
Simon: Yes, we are making happy songs for sad people.

Fakt ist aber auch, dass sich viele Menschen durch ihre Musik empor gehoben fühlen. Gerade dann wenn sie etwas trauriges fühlen und sich in gewissen Situation wiederfinden können.

Der Gig beim Spot Festival war grandios und die Band hat sich auch beim Festival mit mehreren Bookern und Agenturen getroffen. Gerade auch aus Deutschland und wie Jesper es am Ende treffend sagt: Sie glauben fest daran, dass ihre Musik dem Publikum in Deutschland möglicherweise gefallen könnte. Daran ist definitiv etwas dran. Ich hoffe mal sehr, dass sie schon bald nach Deutschland kommen!

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