Audience Killers
Audience Killers Interview – „This record is about our lives“
Am 20. Mai erscheint mit „Floating Island“ das neue Album der Synth-Pop Band Audience Killers. Das Soundkartell hat der Band ein paar Fragen gestellt und verlost einige Vinyls ihres Albums.
Mit „Floating Islands“ erscheint am 20. Mai das neue Album der Synth-Pop Band Audience Killers aus Riga. Außerdem verlose ich hier beim Soundkartell auch 2 herrliche Vinyl Scheiben ihres neuen Albums. Und zwar an alle, die mir eine Mail an mit dem Betreff „Audience Killers“ schreiben.
Das Soundkartell hat der Band ein paar Fragen gestellt. Wir haben über ihren Sound, ihr neues Album, die Stadt Riga und darüber gesprochen, wieso sie sich nicht einfach so in die Riege der zahlreichen Synth-Pop Bands einreihen. Lest das ganze Interview jetzt hier:
Soundkartell: Just introduce yourself.
Audience Killers: We’re Audience Killers from Northern Europe – Latvia, comfortably settled at the heart of Riga, living in the Trii House.
You already played Great Escape and Reeperbahnfestival. How difficult is it to get down the „newcomer status“?
I think that there is nothing wrong with a word “newcomer”, since it mostly symbolizes something fresh, new and yet to come. At the beginning of each album you try to press reset button and find new approach, perspective on the way you see things around you, that is the only way to keep yourself innovative and reach new horizons.
Why do you see the release of your new album „Floating Islands“ as the right sign to change that status that we have to keep you in mind?
The idea about full length album was a far reaching dream, because for the first time we wanted to do everything on our own. It took a while, since we had to build a place where we could work and craft our ideas. This record is about our lives and the place where we are as the band. 1 story made of 10 chapters.
Synth-Pop is not that innovative. How do you want to stand out of this mass of Synth-Pop Bands out here?
I think that synthesizers in general, always were just a small addition, extra flavour to our sound. We try to be good at capturing emotion, space – make melodical story and add good amount of epicness to each track. Thinking outside the genre is the best way to go. Everybody I know who was in Riga already is just raving about Riga.
If I would visit Riga soon which location, spot would you recommend to me to visit and which one perhaps has a direct connection to Audience Killers?
Riga is not our hometown exactly, but we lived there for many years to finally accept it as our new home. There are a lot of special places and venues to remember, which were the starting point of our musical adventure. I think that the direct connection would be our studio Trii House where you could find us at any time of the day.
Which role does lethargy and simplicity play in your sound especially when we are listening to your new album „Floating Islands“?
I wouldn’t say that we experimented too much on this record, but more like went with a flow and let the emotions to make right decisions for us. There definately is a small particle of simplicity and truth on the record that is covered with a layers of sound. I hope that each listener would dig in a little bit and make their own story about what they could find.
Just pick the song of which you were the most insecured to put it onto the album and explain why you’ve deciced to put the track to album anyway?
We wanted this album to represent freedom and new start for us, so we decided not to include any of songs from the past, even the ones we really loved. I think that there was only one track that we left out, the first one we wrote for the album, but half of the record we actually wrote during the recording process and we trully liked every track and kept them all.
Of which song on your new record you are the most proud of?
This is really tough question and we definately have diversed opinions here, since we tried to make album as a full length story and every song is like a piece of puzzle that completes each other. But we are proud of “Sounds Like You” reaching out for new audiences so far outside Latvia’s border.
Is there one word in Latvian that could describe the unique sound of Audience Killers?
Reverb – atbalsošan̄s.
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