Kasper Bjørke
Kasper Bjørke Interview „I cannot produce music if I am tense or stressed.“
Am 10. Juni erscheint mit „Fountain Of Youth“ die neue Mini-LP des dänischen Producers, Djs und Remixer Kasper Bjørke. Das Soundkartell hat dem Dänen einige Fragen gestellt und verlost Vinyls der neuen Platte.
Am 10. Juni bringt Kasper Bjørke seine neue Mini-LP namens ”Fountain Of Youth” raus. Seit über 15 Jahren ist er schon im Business. Früher war er mal als Manager im Musikbusiness am Start. Seit ein paar Jahren konzentriert er sich nur noch auf sein Musikerdasein. Er hat aber auch dieses Jahr schon ganz aktiv beim Producen der neuen Platte von Jacob Bellens geholfen. In Dänemark ist er einer der wichtigsten Producer, Remixer und Djs. Finde ich zumindest. Dass er dabei auch schon mal für Hugo Boss gemodelt hat, ist nur eine Randnotiz. Das Soundkartell hat sich mit dem Dänen über ihn als Musiker, seine neue LP und Kopenhagen unterhalten.
Wir verlosen hier an dieser Stelle auch 2 Exemplare der wirklich fantastischen LP des Producers. Wie ihr da ran kommt lest ihr unten nach dem Interview.
Soundkartell: Kasper Bjørke, for the last couple of years you seem to be like a classy workaholic. On a scale between 0 and 10, how stressed are you right now?
Kasper Bjørke: I think I am around an easy 7,5… its pretty wild at the moment… but it can get more crazy than it is…
You are now releasing your new mini-LP “Fountain Of Youth”. As I listened to the seven tracks for the first time I felt very cozy. This was the right sound for my cozy little apartment. In which way this was like a principle to create such a concentrated sound?
Haha, well actually the first six tracks are made for the clubs and DJs – and not at all for listening to at home. But its nice to hear that you felt it fitted in your livingroom as well. The seventh track though, is an ambient track, to calm you down after you have come home from the club, so that definitely should work in your apartment.
The sound of your LP is very mixed. On “Cloud 9” it is very haunting. On “Klint” it’s like a fun jam. Or on “Köln” you are showing your deep love to colonge. How difficult is it for you to stay focused on simple, beautiful melodies and putting up a wide sound?
There is no real order in the mood of the tracks because its meant as individual club jams with different vibes. Its like a compilation of tracks that works on a dancefloor – so they dont need to fit together. Which is very deliberating after making 4 albums that I was very focused on having to be coherent and fit together…I made most of the ideas for these 7 tracks at different times, mostly in hotels and airports after or before gigs and then finished them in the studio in CPH. It was quite impulsive.
Three years ago in an interview with Nothing But Hope And Passion you’ve said you was very nervous playing Berghain in Berlin. Which role does inner tension play for you starting producing and playing live?
I cannot produce music if I am tense or stressed. I have to be calm and in a good mood to be inspired. The same goes for playing as a DJ, however a certain amount of excitement is good, like butterflies in the stomach, that can keep you on your toes and make you do your best in the moment of a performance.
Until today you are involved 15 years in the club scene as Producer, Dj and Remixer. Your first solo album came out in 2007 (In Gumbo). Musicians like Jacob Bellens are appreciating you. Where do you see yourself in view to your image?
I just try to be myself and do what I do and not think too much about it really.
You are still the personal manager of Trentemøller. In which way has this work inspired you with working with such a producer, Dj and Remixer as well?
I have been Trentemøllers manager for 8 years or so now, and its very inspiring to see such a huge musical talent as he is working in his studio, being so uncompromising in his vision for his own sound – and uncompromising in his career in general. I can learn alot from that. And I am proud to help him on his path.
You are living in Copenhagen. So what is your favorite place there and is inspiring you the most? Can you just take a picture of it or draw it? (be creative)
I would rather just describe it in words, I think: it is 8 rooms with high ceilings, white walls and some very big windows facing a busy street, it is on the second floor of a historic building; at night and on sundays it goes really quiet. Unfortunately I dont get to spend alot of time there, due to my busy schedule. But I cherish the time I have in these rooms, because then I get to be with my girlfriend and my son. It is my home.
Wenn ihr eine der beiden LP’s abstauben wollt, dann schickt mir eine Mail mit dem Betreff ”Kasper Bjørke” an soundkartell@gmail.com oder kommentiert den Post auf Facebook, Instagram oder Twitter.
Einsendeschluss ist Montag der 13.06 um 15.00 Uhr. Viel Erfolg!
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