Interview: Later.

LATER. Interview zum neuen Album „Golden Bay“

LATER. im Interview zum neuen Album „Golden Bay“

Das Albummotiv und der Sound der Indie-Band Later. setzen unweigerlich ein Statement. Es geht um tiefgehende Themen, wie die Erforschung des Heiligen, aber man merkt auch, dass die Musik als solches eine ganz eigene Kraft entwickeln kann. 10 Tracks versammeln sich auf dem Album und sie alle bieten es einem geradezu an sich in einen Traum zu fliehen. „Golden Bay“ beeindruckt durch eine unverkennbare Mischung aus elektronischem Pop, Gospel- und Rockeinflüssen. Die prägnante Verwendung synthetischer Klänge, die mit organischen Elementen verwoben sind, schafft ein warmes Gefühl, das Later.s kreative Vorstellungskraft spürbar macht. Die Texte des Albums sind durchdrungen von Sinnlichkeit und roher Ehrlichkeit, wobei die ungefilterte Emotionalität erhalten bleibt, die Later.s Musik so charakteristisch macht.

„This album is about inspiration, and feeling uplifted by your passion.“

Und so ist das Album wie eine Reise aufgebaut und nimmt uns als Zuhörer:innen mit. Deshalb wollen wir auch gar nicht so lange um den heißen Brei drumherum reden, sondern die Band im Interview selbst zu Wort kommen lassen. Wir sprechen über ihren eigenen künstlerischen Anspruch, darüber wie sie als Band seit ihrem Debüt gewachsen sind und darüber welche emotionale Bindung sie mit ihren neuen Tracks mit uns aufbauen möchten.

Your second studio album is set to release on January 17, 2025. What was the creative journey like for this album compared to your debut? Were there any significant differences in your approach this time around?

LATER.: „The creative approach was very different from our first album. We knew we wanted something more cohesive, more structured . While recording the first album, it took us quite a while to figure out the best way to create music. With ‘Golden Bay’ we already knew that we had to isolate ourselves to really focus on the music and avoid distractions while composing.“

Your music is known for blending a wide range of influences. Can you share how these influences shaped the sound of this new album, and were there any surprising inspirations along the way?

LATER.: „We all come from different musical backgrounds but the more we make music together the more our taste for music resonates between us. This album is more of a ‘pop’ record than our previous releases. The production is more electronic, we wanted to create this atmosphere of being inside this alternate world, this ‘Golden Bay’ created with our inspiration.“

Looking back at your debut album, how do you feel you’ve grown as a band both musically and personally? Are there specific lessons or experiences that influenced the creation of your second album?

LATER.: „We’ve been growing as a band since we started it 6 years ago. Some of us didn’t know eachother at the time but our friendship grew with our music. Today we see eachother almost everyday and couldn’t live without eachother. Our first album was really the discovery of what making an album really meant, we had done a lot of music videos, live sessions, different shootings. We had more clarity with this album, we knew what direction we wanted to follow and a better idea on how to do it.“

The process of making a sophomore album can often feel like a moment of reinvention. Were there any risks you took or new directions you explored that you’re particularly excited for listeners to hear?

LATER.: „Of course! The first time we got together to make new music after our first album we couldn’t come up with something good even after a whole week. We never made as much demos for any project before because, it definitely had to do with this idea of a sophomore album. You kind of want to reinvent yourself but also please the people that liked your previous album. I think you need a moment to just get rid of that pressure and concentrate on what really inspires you at the moment. We had a craving for pop melodies and synthesizers that really shaped the whole album. We’re very excited for people to hear this more pop direction.“

With the album release and 2025 just beginning, what are your plans for the year? Can fans expect a tour, collaborations, or other surprises to look forward to?

LATER.: „We have a big venue in Paris ‘La Machine du Moulin Rouge’ the 5th of March and maybe festivals this summer. We also want to tour in Europe more, maybe come back to Germany in september. We have some collaborations coming up this year, one coming very soon.“

Lastly, what emotions or messages do you hope listeners take away from this album? How does it reflect where you are as a band right now and where you’re headed next?

LATER.: „This album is about inspiration, and feeling uplifted by your passion. Our biggest wish with this album is that the listeners embark on a trip and feel the way we do when we’re in the studio, at 3am, and we don’t want to stop because you have to catch these rare moments when inspiration strikes you, and you become the messenger of something beautiful.“


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