Spot-Festival Special: Hand Of Dust im Interview

Hand Of Dust: „Psych-space-rock might be the most horrible thing.“

Aus Kopenhagen: Hand Of Dust im Interview mit dem Soundkartell

Aus Kopenhagen: Hand Of Dust im Interview mit dem Soundkartell

Nächste Woche ist es soweit und das Spot-Festival beginnt. Das Soundkartell hat sich im Vorfeld bereits mit Bands wie My Heart The Brave, Glass und Electric Eye unterhalten. Es folgen noch zwei weitere Bands & Künstler. Diese Woche haben wir uns exklusiv für euch mit der Kopenhagener Band Hand Of Dust unterhalten.

Aktuell erfahren wir nicht viel über die Band Hand Of Dust. Die Facebookseite gibt nicht viel her, außer einen Link zu ihrer Bandcamp-Seite.
Dort können wir in ihre erste EP reinhören und erfahren, dass sie sehr untypischen Alternative-Rock machen.

Um euch die Dänen näher vorzustellen und euch eine weitere unbekannte Band zu präsentieren, die auf dem Spot-Festival spielen wird, haben wir uns mit Bo von der Band unterhalten. Dabei sprachen wir über ein bestimmtes Bild der Dänen gegenüber den Deutschen. Über die Musikszene in Kopenhagen und wieso ausgerechnet ihre Musik den Sommer einleuten wird.

Soundkartell: In three sentences: Where are you from and how did it all start?

Hand Of Dust: “We are from Copenhagen, and we have been part of the same group of friends and musicians for years, and have all been playing in different bands. When we started playing together the idea was basically to perform some of Bo’s acoustic songs in a band setting. It soon became obvious that this was more than just Victor (drums) and Jesper (bass) backing Bo’s guitar and vocals, and we have been a band for around 2 years now.”

Soundkartell-Interview: Hand Of Dust speaks about Spot-Festival!

Soundkartell-Interview: Hand Of Dust speaks about Spot-Festival!

Soundkartell: The sound that you make isn`t very catchy for someone who is not very “in touch” of the sound of this psych­space­rock that you make.What is your hint when we are listening to songs like “Dying Family Trees” or “Shipwrecked” for the first time?

Hand Of Dust: “Psych-space-rock might be the most horrible thing anybody has ever called our music. I would never try and tell anybody how to interpret our music so no hint to give. Put on the record, if you think it’s shit take it of again.”

Soundkartell: For somebody you isn`t listening to alternative­rock, your music might be a bit disturbing. What is the most disturbing element in your music?

Hand Of Dust: “I don’t think our music is disturbing at all. I’m always trying, to put as much beauty, into the songs I write, as I possibly can.”

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2817981548 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small t=1]


Soundkartell: For me as a music­blogger I know several indie, hiphop, pop or electro­bands from Copenhagen. In which way do you think Copenhagen has an outstanding music scene in europe? And how does Hand Of Dust apply to this scene?

Hand Of Dust: “Copenhagen has a great scene at the moment, and a lot of great bands have developed out of the city the later years. Especially around our shared rehearsal space Mayhem, including Agecoin, Lower, Iceage, Sejr, Sexdrome, Girlseeker, Skurv etc.
But like most “scenes” around the world nine out of ten bands in the city are shit. So I guess we apply a little less shit to the music of Copenhagen.”

Soundkartell: You are playing at Spot­Festival this year. What can we expect from you for your gig?

Hand Of Dust: “You can expect a short burst of something you might or might not enjoy, understand or appreciate. And you can expect a band who plays music exactly the way they feel it should be done.”

Soundkartell: Now you have released two EPs. What can we expect from you for the rest of the year 2014?

Hand Of Dust: “We released a demo tape and an EP.
For 2014 things are brewing, but I can’t say much for now. Keep your eyes and ears open.”

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2817981548 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small t=3]


Soundkartell: What is “One More Day of Night” and “Without grace or glory” about?

Hand Of Dust: “I would never explain my lyrics. The only thing you accomplish by that, is robbing the listener of his/her own interpretation of the music.”

Soundkartell: Your music sounds like you`ve recorded it in a garage or something like that, it is very special. How do you got this sound?

Hand Of Dust: “Our tape was recorded at our rehearsal space “Mayhem” which I think at some point was a garage…
Our 7” was recorded in a studio, and I don’t think it sounds like it was recorded in a garage. It was recorded with simple equipment and sounds like most music would, if it wasn’t overproduced to unrecognizability.”

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2817981548 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small t=4]


Soundkartell: In Germany you are a very unknown artist. Which “relationship” do you have to Germany? Which things are crossing spontaneous your mind when you think about Germany?

Hand Of Dust: “We have still to come to play shows outside Denmark. We’re trying to arrange a small European tour this summer, which will most likely include some shows in Germany.
Personally I haven’t been to Germany since I was a little kid, I’d like to go again soon though. I remember the city we were in, to be quite beautiful.
The first thing that crosses my mind when I think of Germany is shows being canceled because you guys seem to think that everybody are Nazi’s.“

Soundkartell: Three reasons why your music still ring in the summer.

Hand Of Dust: “1. Autumn, 2. Winter, 3.Spring”

Thank you for the interview and see you at SPOT!

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